SAP Program RFMUSFG_IMP_RC - Report: Improper Invoice Reason Codes

You can use this report to obtain an overview of invoice documents withreason code(s) assigned to them.

You are a US Federal customer using the Prompt Payment function.


  • You are required to enter the company code and fiscal year (range).

  • The following selection criteria are optional:

  • Document Number
    Reference Number
    Document Type
    Reason for Improper Invoice
    User Name
    • You can check any or all of the following boxes to further restrict
    • document selection:
      Parked Invoices
      Posted Invoices
      Invoices That Exceed Reasonable Period

      The report is displayed in ALV. Documents with outstanding reason codesare flagged in the first column.
      The documents that are parked are flagged in the second column.
      You can double-click document numbers to view the associated documents.