SAP Program RFMEUFARRDWR - Archiving FMEUF Certification Run and Document Items: Write Program

This program writes the requested certification runs to the dataarchive.

This archiving program archives certification runs and document itemsonly if the following conditions are met:
The certification run is saved as final.
The certification run is submitted (the submit date is set).
Each certification item references one FI document item. Those FIdocuments need to be archived first. The archiving object to be executedwould be FI_DOCUMNT.
Condition (3) can be ignored when the associated financing source hasthe completion indicator set. If this condition is used, the completionindicator is locked and cannot be reset in the financing source.
Condition (1), (2) and (3) can be ignored if the delete flag to thecertification run is specified.

The program is designed for time dependent execution. The program shouldbe executed in the background as is common for archiving programs whenmass data is processed but for testing purposes online execution isenabled.
Some of the important program parameters:

  • Certification Keys

  • Allows to specify one certification run.
    • Submit Date

    • The submit date allows period-based selection. A retention period can befactored in to keep the data in the system.
      • Financing Source

      • The financing source as the main object selection object can be used toget the associated certification runs.
        Additional processing options as defined in the archiving standards:
        • Test Mode

        • If the test mode is specified, the archiving process is executed withoutcreating the archiving records.
          • Productive Mode and Delete with Test Variant

          • If the productive mode is specified, the archiving process is completelyexecuted and the archiving records are stored within a data file. IfDelete with Test Variant is specified, the follow on delete program iscalled in test mode. Otherwise the delete program is called with theimmediate delete request.
            • Detail Log and Log Output

            • The output detail can be specified. You can also specify whether theoutput should be presented as a list or within the application log.

              Depending on the output selection, the program presents the result as alist or in the application log.