SAP Program RFLQ_UPLOAD_QR - Upload of Queries from Local File

Automatic creation of queries with data from a local file

The local file from which the data is to be taken should be generatedas follows: Execution of the report RFLQ_LISTQR (transaction: FLQLQR)in the sources system with generation of a standard list, optimizationof column widths inactive. The list of queries generated in this waywith conditions is saved locally as an unconverted text file with a'.TXT' ending.
The exact requirements for the field sequence and lengths can be foundas a comment in the source text of the program at hand. If your filedeviates from this, you need to copy this program into a separateprogram, and then the carryover from the flat line structure to thestructured internal table is adapted there.


On the selection screen, specify the name of the local file to be readat the top (complete path). Next a box appears in which you establishhow queries are to be processed that already exist in the targetsystem. You can choose between:

  • Giving the old query priority and ignoring the new one.

  • Keeping the header data from the old query (texts and liquidity item)
  • and completing replacing the conditions.
    • Completely updating the old query.

    • Furthermore you can restrict the program to queries that are only validfor a specific company code (authorization). Finally, there is the testrun option: The local file is analyzed here and the result is onlydisplayed; none of the data is changed.

      You receive a log, in which, similar to transaction FLQLQR, theerroneous and transferred queries and conditions are displayed.

      The program checks the read data. Errors on the header level (originindicator, company code, liquidity item) stop the query from beingcreated. Errors in condition lines cause the associated condition notto be defined; in extreme cases queries end up being created withoutconditions. The errors are displayed in the log.
      In case you have forgotten, the program tells you to initialize systemtables in the target system that are needed to save the conditionsusing the program RFLQ_INITTBL. If you have included more fields forthe conditions according to SAP Note 497118, you should check whethertable FLQQR_FIELD has the same status in both systems.

678171Saving queries and upload/download