SAP Program RFLQ_UPLOAD_GRP - Upload the Query Assignment from Local File

Automatic creation of the assignment of queries to sequences with datafrom a local file.

The prerequisite for this is that both the sequences and queries existin the target system.
The local file with the assignment information should be generated inthe following way:
Execute report RFLQ_LISTGRP (transaction: FLQLGRP) in the source systemand generate a standard list. This is saved locally as an unconvertedtext file with the ending '.TXT'.
You will find the exact requirements for the field sequence and lengthas comments in the source code of the existing program. If your filedoes not match these, copy this program into another program and modifythe carry forward from the flat row structure to the structuredinternal tables there.

On the selection screen, specify the name of the local file to be read(full path) at the top. A box then appears where you determine how thesystem is to proceed if queries have already been assigned to sequencesin the target system. You can choose between the following options:

  • The old assignment has priority, the new assignment is ignored.

  • The old assignment is rejected and replaced by the new assignment.

  • You can also restrict the program to sequences that are only valid fora particular company code (authorization). Finally there is a test runoption: This only displays the local file and the result. There are nochanges to the data.

    You obtain a log in which the erroneous and transferred sequences aredisplayed, similar to transaction FLQLGRP.

    The program checks the data read. If errors were detected in thequeries, they cannot be assigned. For technical reasons, if you havechosen to always prioritize the old assignment, queries are also markedas incorrect in any new asignment (error code 'E').
    The five-digit consecutive number for the assignment is not explicitlychecked in the test run. If you have duplicated entries for a sequence(for example because of manipulations to the file), the program willterminate during the update run. (Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X withmessage FLQ 000).

678171Saving queries and upload/download