SAP Program RFLQ_S003V - Liquidity Calculation: Balance Comparison with Accounting Documents

Trados Memory = TR

You use this program to compare the balance of actual document lineitems in accounting with the balance of line items in liquiditycalculation, over a specified period of time. Depending on your settingsin the FLQC2 global data, the accounting documents are read with thevalue date or posting date.
The comparison is carried out in the transaction currency and localcurrency. The currency type '10', therefore the company code currency,is the default setting for the local currency. If you have set the up
date in an additional currency (for example, the group currency) in theFLQC2 global data, you can alternatively make a comparison in thiscurrency. This means that you specify the appropriate currency typerather than '10' on the selection screen.

731562Liquidity calculation: Enhancements in plug-in 2004.1