SAP Program RFLQ_REPORT - Liquidity Calculation: Payments per Liquidity Item

Using this report, you can display the payments entered in theliquidity calculation that have a payment date within the interval youselect.
You can also choose to limit the paying company codes and the liquidityitems (origin and purpose).

The report supplies the totals of the payment amounts in the selectedtime interval. These are broken down by liquidity item. The localcurrency amounts are displayed.

From the list of results, you use interactive functions to furtherlimit the report to one (original) company code, business area, ortransaction currency. When you limit the report to a transactioncurrency, then the corresponding amounts are also displayed.
You can also trigger a new database access (refresh).
To go to a totals list (program RFLQ_LISTSU), double click on a row.From there you can drill down to the line items.