SAP Program RFLQ_CURREX_FI - Liquidity Calculation: Currency Swap Based on FI Information

You can use this program to change the transaction amount andtransaction currency of line items in the liquidity calculation: Itsubstitutes the transaction currency of the FI (payment) document withthe original transaction currency. The amount is translated.

The program changes existing liquidity calculation data usingaccounting information.

On the selection screen you can restrict the dataset to be processed.The payment documents to be converted should be cleared beforehand inthe bank clearing accounts and the subledger.

You can define the currencies into which the line items can beconverted. You can also define a minimum threshold for the coveragerate of the payment amount as a prerequisite for conversion.
From the results list, you can branch to program RFLQ_CURRCHAIN bychoosing the detail view. This program enables you to analyze thecurrencies and amounts in the chain for a payment amount. This isparticularly useful to analyze errors when documents cannot beconverted.
The program is compatible with the mechanisms for assigning liquidityitems. The execution sequence is irrelevant.

If you run the program in update mode, the data is changed on thedatabase.

You have a vendor invoice amounting to 7,500 DKK. This is cleared bythe payment program and a file is sent to the bank for processing. Ifyou make the payment from your EUR account, the bank converts thepayment amount automatically, and your bank statement indicates that1,010 EUR has been debited from your account.
The accounting document for the bank statement and the correspondingline item in the liquidity calculation therefore have the transactioncurrency EUR and the amount 1,010. However, you want the actual lineitem to read 7,500 DKK (because you plan separately in DKK, forexample).
The program handles this payment chain as follows: It reads thedocument chain up to the payment document:
50,,Bank,,EUR 1,010-
40,,Bank clearing,,EUR 1,010,,Clearing posting
50,,Bank clearing,,DKK 7,500-,,Clearing posting
25,,Vendor,,DKK 7,500
It then totals the amounts of the cleared line items for eachtransaction currency (+/- sign, + for debit, - for credit) This resultsin a table:
At the same time, the program totals the corresponding local currencyamounts. The coverage rate is the ratio of the local currency amount ofthe DKK line item to the local currency amount of the actual line item.In this simple example, the coverage rate is 100%.
If the specified minimum coverage rate is 100% or less and DKK has notbeen excluded as a target currency, the program converts the amount.The conversion is based on the generated table of amounts. In theliquidity calculation, the document is therefore converted from 1,010EUR to 7,500 DKK.