SAP Program RFLQ_ASSIGN_DIR - Liquidity Calc.: Assign Liquidity Item on Basis of Bank Line Items

This program processes actual documents in the liquidity calculationthat belong to FI documents (that is, all documents except for manualtransfer postings). It attempts to derive the liquidity item for thedocument from the information in the FI bank line item.

You specify the range of actual documents to be processed on theselection screen.

The logic for deriving the liquidity item (with query sequence and userexit) is the same as for the program that evaluates the information inbank statements. In this case, however, the information comes from adifferent source:
An actual line item in the liquidity calculation references a specificline item in FI (in other words, the G/L account for the line item is abank account or another actual account). The information in this lineitem is evaluated as follows: The line item (field values of structuresBKPF, BSEG) is checked against the first query in the sequence definedin the report. If all the conditions of this query apply, it makes anote of the assigned liquidity item. If not, it checks the line itemagainst the next query, and so on. You also have the option ofprogramming your own derivation logic in a user exit function(interface based on 'FLQ_SAMPLE_ASSIGN_FI'). This may take priorityover the derivation result from the queries.
The detail log displays the new liquidity item and the correspondingquery.
We do not expect this program to be used frequently. The actual lineitems do not contain much usable information about the origin orapplication of payments. Therefore, SAP did not create a separate classof queries for this mechanism. Instead, class 'C' of the FLQACmechanism is used. The interface of the exit function is also the sameas there: the program never supplies values to fields that reference acustomer or vendor master record.

571225FLQAD:Too many documents are read in the second step
558167Liquidity calculation: Enhancements in plug-in 2002.2