SAP Program RFLQ_ASSIGN_BS - Liquidity Calc.: Assign Liquidity Item on Basis of Bank Statement

This program runs through the actual documents in the liquiditycalculation that belong to bank statement items, and tries to determinethe liquidity item from the information in the bank statement.

You can specify the range of actual documents to be processed on theselection screen.

Liquidity calculation is active in at least one company code, oraccounting documents have been posted to liquidity calculation usingthe subsequent posting program.
Queries for bank statement fields have been created. A query consistsof conditions for bank statement fields and a liquidity item. Thequeries have been organized into query sequences and these sequenceshave been assigned to bank accounts.

The program first reads the relevant account statement item (SAP tablesFEBKO, FEBEP, FEBRE) for an actual document. The data (field values)for this account statement item are then sent by the query sequencethat was assigned to the bank account. The data is now checked againstthe initial query of the sequence. If all the conditions apply, thedocument receives the liquidity item of this query. If not, the secondquery of the sequence is checked. If none of the queries yields aresult, no liquidity item can be assigned to the document, and thedocument remains unchanged.
In addition to, or as an alternative to the query sequences, you canalso evaluate the data for the account statement item in a customeruser exit and define a liquidity item there yourself. This may takepriority over an item determined by a query. You must write your ownfunction module for the user exit. This is then attached to the reportduring execution. This module has the same interface as the standardmodule 'FLQ_SAMPLE_ASSIGN_BS'.
The detail log shows the new liquidity item and the query that wasresponsible for it. If no liquidity item could be determined, thesefields remain blank.

If not enough assignments result from this, you should first checkwhether query sequences have been assigned to the bank accounts. Thencheck the definition and the sequence (from specific to general) of thequeries. Alternatively, you could also program a corresponding userexit.

You can often recognize payments for bank charges by the businesstransaction code (FEBEP-VORGC).

774807Company code as a condition in bank statement queries