SAP Program RFLBOX00 - Autocash: Lockbox

Lockbox Service
Payment transactions in the USA consist almost exclusively of checkpayments. In order to process these payments more quickly, banks offera lockbox service where checks are sent directly by the customer to thebank (lockbox). The bank enters the checks as a credit memo and sendsthis information to the payee via file transfer. The record layout ofthe lockbox file must correspond to the standard BAI format.
Banks transmit, sometimes several times a day, to the payee the datamedium with relevant information about the check (MICR number) and ifnecessary, the document numbers from the payment advice.
With this data medium, the system uses batch input to generate postingsfor Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger.
Advantages of the lockbox service

  • Accelerated collection, payment and credit memo of checks increases the
  • payee's liquidity.
    • The lockbox system reduces internal processing costs.

    • The program consists of the following parts:
      • RFLBOX00 : control and processing logic

      • RFLBOX01 : common data area

      • RFLBOX20 : BAI record format, importing data medium

      • For other record formats, you can create your own program based on thissample. RFLBOXnn, in which nn can be between 30 and 80, is predefinedfor your programs.
        • RFLBOX90: evaluation of table T049C for creating lockbox statistics

        • Program RFLBOX00 reads data sent by the bank and generates:
          • the FB01 batch input (G/L account posting: debit bank, credit payment
          • clearing account)
            • the FBZ1 batch input (customer payment: debit payment clearing account,
            • credit customer with open item clearing).
              • the FD02 batch input (create new customer bank details)

              • a log of the records processed:

              • log of all items processed
                log of incorrect items
                log of bank details created
                and then maintains table T049C, which is read by program RFLBOX90 tocreate a statistical evaluation of the lockbox tapes.
                In order to be able to process different record formats, the processinglogic is set up as follows:
                • For each record format, there is one program accessed by control
                • routine RFLBOX00 as an external PERFORM. This program reads the datarecords and places information required for further processing into aninternal table (AGTAB). The record format is stored in the DataDictionary. Before using the program, you must check whether the recordformat in the Data Dictionary corresponds to that of the cooperatingbank. You may have to adapt the structure in the Data Dictionary.
                  • The main control routine reads the internal AGTAB table and generates
                  • the required batch input sessions and/or log sections.
                    For the FBZ1 postings (debit bank, credit payment clearing account),the system carries out the following checks and actions:
                    • First, it tries to identify the customer by using the document number.

                    • If the customer cannot be indentified via the document number, the
                    • system tries via the MICR number from record type 6 (= bank number/bankaccount number of the depositing bank).
                      • If a customer is identified via the document number but its bank
                      • details do not correspond to the MICR number, you can create them byusing the FD02 batch input.
                        • The status of every record is stored for controlling individual
                        • records:
                          status 0: customer could not be identified
                          status 1: customer uniquely identified via document number
                          status 2: customer uniquely identified via document number and new bankdetails
                          status 5: customer uniquely identified via bank details
                          status 9: customer could not be uniquely identified

                          Checking the record format
                          The record format of the bank must correspond to the record format inthe Data Dictionary. You may have to adjust the structures in the DataDictionary. At the moment, the BAI format is stored using eight tablestructures:
                          FLB01: header record
                          FLB02: service record
                          FLB04: overflow record
                          FLB05: detail header record
                          FLB06: detail record
                          FLB07: batch total record
                          FLB08: lockbox total record
                          FLB09: trailer record
                          Customizing entries for the posting data
                          Posting data is determined via Financial Accounting configuration. Anentry must exist for each bank account (lockbox). The key is the bankaccount identification to how it delivers the lockbox file. A typicalentry would be as follows:
                          ,,SAMPLEDEST,,Ultimate destination of transmission
                          ,,1234567890,,Present origin of transmission
                          ,,SA,,Document type of bank posting
                          ,,DZ,,Document type of customer payment
                          ,,0001,,Company code
                          ,,113100,,Bank account number in company code
                          ,,113108,,Payment clearing account in company code
                          ,,40,,G/L account debit posting key
                          ,,50,,G/L account credit posting key
                          ,,15,,Customer credit posting key
                          ,,X,,Automatic search via FBZ1 required
                          INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
                          Basic customizing entries for Autocash
                          In Financial Accounting configuration, you must also store particularcontrol parameters for Autocash. Change this entry to meet yourrequirements.
                          LOCKBOX,,Procedure for handling of payments
                          BAI,,Record format of the file, only BAI currently allowed
                          10,,Length of document number
                          03,,Number of document numbers in record type 6
                          06,,Number of document numbers in record type 4
                          X,,FB01 batch input requested
                          SAMPLE__FB01,, Batch input session name of the FB01 postings
                          1,,Type of FB01 update
                          ,,1= A line item is generated in the bank account and a
                          ,,line item in the payment clearing account
                          ,,2= A line item is created per lockbox (total of all checks)
                          ,,in the bank account (debit)
                          ,,A line item is created per check in the payment clearing
                          ,,account (credit)
                          X,,FBZ1 batch input requested (posting with clearing)
                          SAMPLE__FBZ1,, Batch input session name of the FBZ1 postings
                          X,,FD02 (create bank details) requested
                          SAMPLE__KNBK,, Batch input session name of the FD02 transactions
                          /usr/sap/samplepath/,,Lockbox file path name
                          INCLUDE FUNKTION_AUSFÜHREN
                          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

                          • Starting program RFLBOX00

                          • You must specify the name of the file to be read. The file must be inthe /usr/sap/samplepath/ directory. This directory must be stored as acontrol parameter within configuration.

                            If all transactions are indicated as incorrect when the batch inputsessions are processed, you might have set the editing options forFinancial Accounting so that the selected items are initially inactive.
                            You can change this by accessing the Accounts Receivable menu andselecting Document entry -> Incoming payment and then Settings ->Editing options. The "Selected items initially inactive" field must notbe selected.

                            Program RFLBOXIN can be used to generate test data. This procedure isdescribed in the documention for this program.