SAP Program RFKQSU00 - Postcard Printout of 1099 Vendor Addresses for Tax Code Request

The report prints the vendor master data, which is used by 1099reporting.

Important Notes:
Your printer must have the page break (File Control Block:FCB) set to21 lines before running this ABAP. It must also be set to 6 lpi and 10cpi. The preprinted postcards must be 21 lines long.
One-time vendors (CPD) are excluded from the 1099 processing. You mustcreate a master record in order to store the tax ID.

Valid Tax ID Listing
Lists all accounts with a unique and valid tax ID as well as awithholding tax indicator between 01 and 11.

Error Listing
Lists all vendor master records, which do not have the rightinformation for 1099 processing: a withholding tax indicator / amounttype between 01 and 11 and a unique tax ID in the correct format. Italso lists all vendors, which are tax exempt.

Print Postcards
This functions prints addresses on preprinted postcards to requestmissing or incorrect tax IDs for the 1099 processing. I selects allvendors, which do not have a correct and unique tax ID and which havean amount type / withholding tax indicator between 01 and 11.

Standard Form
The SAPSCRIPT form to postcards is F_1099_POSTCARD. It uses thefollowing fields:
LFA1-KONZS - for printing the text,'Account',
LFA1-LIFNR - for printing account number,
LFA1-NAME1 - for printing account name1,
LFA1-NAME2 - for printing account name2,
LFA1-STRAS - for printing street,
LFA1-LNRZA - for printing the text,'P.O.Box',
LFA1-PFACH - for printing account's P.O.Box,
LFA1-ORT02 - for printing city,state,zip code.

163527Withholding Tax for USA 1099-MISC (Version 2001)
510859Missing or wrong messages of message class FR
4531281099-MISC: Errors in report RFW1099M
454732RFW1099M (1099-MISC): SAPSERV import Syntax error