SAP Program RFKQST60 -

This report applies to Italy only.
Report RFKQST60 supplies evaluations on sales subject to withholdingtax for reporting to the vendor. The purpose of reporting this data tothe vendor is to inform them of the tax amounts withheld and/or ofthose sales subject to withholding tax that were reported to the taxoffice. (See also report RFKQST50).
In this process, the following data is taken into account:
Sales that led to tax being withheld
Sales that are exempt from withholding tax
Sales that are zero-rated for withholding tax
Zero-rated sales are of particular importance if sales need only bereported to the tax office, without any withholding tax being withheldand paid over. In cases such as these, the withholding tax amount thatappears on the tax return is zero. Sales-relevant transactions that aresubject to withholding tax include:
o Vendor invoices,
o Down payments to vendors,
o Vendor credit memos.
If you enter a currency in the "Alternative currency" field, data isoutput in this currency instead of the local currency. To facilitatethis, the amounts are translated on the translation date specified(default date is the system date) and the exchange rate type "M" fromthe local currency into the alternative local currency. This functioncan be used in the context of changeover to the euro, if the companycode has already made the changeover, but the tax authorities stillrequire tax returns to be made in the previous national currency.
The way in which data is output depends on the form specified. If youdo not specify a form, the following SAPScript form is used asstandard:
I: F_RFKQST60_20
You can also create logs, although you cannot create both logs andvendor reports in one program run. If both log and report are required,you will need to run the program repeatedly.
Alternatively, you can have the system create a log of the sum totalsper withholding tax rate. This additional list can be output byselecting the appropriate parameter.

To be able to generate withholding tax evaluations, your system MUSTcontain field BSEG-XUMSV.
To obtain meaningful evaluations, you must also ensure that theintervals for posting date and clearing date agree (this requirementcan be ignored for Belgium).
To output the report to the vendor, the appropriate forms must bedefined in SAPscript (unless you intend using the standard forms).
Although text literals and layouts can be freely defined, users arerestricted to the existing output fields with regard to the globals.

Users have considerable free range in determining the appearance of theform. List ouput corresponds to that of report RFKQST50.

313817Withholding tax reporting revised: RFKQST00