SAP Program RFKQST20 - Withholding Tax Report for the Vendor

This program is relevant for the following countries:
Program RFKQST20 provides evaluations on sales subject to withholdingtax for reporting to the vendor. The report to the vendor is used forinforming the vendor about amounts withheld and/or sales subject towithholding tax that are reported to the tax authorities.
For this purpose, the program includes both sales leading towithholding of withholding tax amounts as well as sales exempt fromwithholding tax or defined with a withholding tax rate of zero percentin the system.
The latter is particularly important when tax authorities require thatonly sales be reported and that no tax amount be withheld and paid out.Therefore, the withholding tax amount would be zero in the report.Sales transactions subject to withholding tax can be:

  • vendor invoices,

  • down payments to vendors and

  • credit memos from vendors.

  • The evaluations are created on a country-specific basis. There arewithholding tax reports for Italy, France and Belgium. The methods forevaluating withholding tax are controlled via the parameter QSTYP. Theoutput format is determined by the form to be specified. If you do notspecify a form, the system uses the following SAPscript forms bydefault:
    Furthermore, you can create logs. However, you can create either onlythe logs or only the vendor reports in the course of a report run. Ifboth are required, you must run the program several times.
    These lists are also created according to the country-specificrequirements. You can determine how detailed the displayed lists are byusing the parameters.
    You can also create a log of the sum totals per withholding tax rate.To output this additional list, select this parameter.

    To create withholding tax evaluations, you must manage the BSEG-XUMSWfield in the system.
    Moreover, to create a meaningful evaluation, you must make sure theposting date and clearing date intervals you specify on the selectionscreen agree (excluding Belgium).
    To output reports to the vendor, you must define the appropriate formsin SAPscript, providing the standard forms are not to be used. Textliterals and layout can be formed freely. You are limited to using theexisting output fields concerning the globals only.

    The evaluations can be displayed on the screen or printed on theprinter. They are output in various formats, depending on the countryspecification.
    ,,Italy,,,,,,65 lines,,132 characters
    ,,France,,,,,,65 ",,,,80 "
    ,,Belgium,,,,,,65 ",,,,80 "
    ,,Spain,,,,,,65 ",,,,132 "
    These formats apply to both logs and reports to vendors.
    ,,I,ESP:,,Company code
    ,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,,Withholding tax code
    ,,,,,,Posting date
    ,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,Document date
    ,,,,,,Reference number
    ,,,,,,Clearing date
    ,,F,B:,,Report to vendor:,,Log:
    ,,,,,,Company code,,,,,,Company code
    ,,,,,,Account number,,,,,,Account number
    ,,,,,, code,,,, code
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Reference number
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Document number
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Posting date
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Document date
    If you enter a currency in the "alternative local currency" field, theamounts are output in this currency and not the local currency. Thesystem translates the amounts from the local currency into thealternative local currency on the translation date specified (thesystem date is the default value) and using the exchange rate "M". Thisfacility can be used during the changeover to the euro, if the companycode has already changed over to the euro, but the tax authoritiesstill require tax returns to be made in the previous national currency.

157009Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) UK
512259RFKQST00 - Can not print form as one line for vendor
313817Withholding tax reporting revised: RFKQST00
321819No-ABN Withholding Payment Summary for AUSTRALIA