SAP Program RFKORDJ1 - Receipt after Payment (Japan)

This program prints receipts for payments remitted with cash, bills ofexchange, or checks. Depending on the transaction, receipts can becreated via the clearing procedure when you post an incoming payment,or via partial payments, payments on account, or down payments.
In Japan, the receipt is subject to tax. The tax, INSHI-ZEI, depends onthe amount in the receipt. The system automatically determines the(stamp) tax and prints the tax amount on the receipt. An internal (orexternal) number is assigned for each receipt.
The program divides the payment amount into several receipts:
For example, two receipts can be created for a payment of 10,000,000Yen, each totaling 5,000,000 Yen.
You can select two methods for outputting the receipt.

  • Optimized receipts Type = SAPQ1

  • For each payment document, the system automatically determines thesmallest total tax amount and the minimal number output for thereceipt. The receipt number is, however, limited to a maximum of threedigits.
    You enter a highest amount for each receipt as a program parameter.
    • Individual receipts Type = SAPQ2

    • You can distribute the payment amount into several receipts manually.The system determines the stamp tax for the receipt amount you enter.

      Before you can print payment notices in Correspondence, the followingrequirements must be met:
      Make the basic settings for correspondence in the "Financial AccountingGlobal Settings" Implementation Guide. You can find more detailedexplanations on the standard settings further on in this programdocumentation.
      Define forms
      To print the required correspondence, you must define and activate theforms in the system. The standard system supplies a form you can copyand modify according to your own requirements.
      Form F140_RECEIPT_J1 is used in the standard system.
      RESET N1
      The following restrictions apply to creating payment notices:
      The system only supports postings created by functions that have apayment amount set in at least one customer line item of the incomingpayment document. At present, these functions include Internal transferposting with clearing, Incoming payments, Incoming payments fast entry,and Outgoing payments. So that the system determines a payment amountwhen these functions are used, all bank accounts, bank sub-accounts,bank clearing accounts and the reconciliation account for bills ofexchange must be marked as relevant to cash flow within the G/L accountmaster record. These accounts are posted to when the above functionsare used.
      The system does not support intercompany code transactions.
      Payment notices are addressed to the head office, not to the branch,even when processing does not occur at the head office.
      Only business transactions for one customer can be posted in a documentwhen document extracts are sent to one-time customers.
      If the appropriate indicator is set in the master records for eachcustomer/vendor pair, the system creates a payment notice and addressesit to the customer when clearings are made between customers andvendors.

      Receipts are created for each customer with a document.
      To verify receipts before printing them, you can display them on thescreen. If you do not print a receipt, the number allocated to it islost.
      If you do not specify a printer in the print program, the systemselects the printer specified in your user master record or the printerspecified when the job was scheduled.
      If errors that do not terminate processing occur during the programrun, the system displays an error list after the program is completed.To print error lists on a specific printer, you must specify a printerin the print program variants. Otherwise, the system selects theprinter specified in your user master record or the one specified whenthe job was scheduled. If you execute the program online, the errorlist is displayed on the screen. If you execute the program as a job,the name of the spool request for this error list consists of the IDF140ER, the printer name, and if necessary, the correspondence type andcompany code.
      If a print output is made when you execute the print program directly,a log with the generated spool requests is output for each program yourun . If you do not specify a printer for this log, the system selectsthe printer specified in your user master record or the one specifiedwhen the job was scheduled. If you execute the program online, the logis displayed on the screen. If the program is scheduled as a job, thename of the spool request for this log consists of the ID F140, theprinter name, the creation date, and the program identification KORD.If a higher-level correspondence program runs the print program, thehigher-level program outputs the log (trigger for correspondence).

      Explanation of the standard form
      In the standard system, the form name is F140_RECEIPT_J1, which is madeup of the program ID_form name_number.
      The form consists of pages FIRST (first page).

      The windows in the letter
      The following windows must be defined for the letter:
      The standard text you store for the company code is used for the headerin the letter.
      The address window consists of the customer's address and the standardtext you store for the company code for the sender details. The addressformat complies with postal regulations.
      General information is displayed here, for example, receipt number,date of issue, amount of stamp tax.
      The footer of the opening page of the letter consists of theappropriate standard text for the company code.
      The main window defines the content and appearance of the text by usingits text elements.

      Text elements for the correspondence
      The following elements are for the MAIN window:
      Text element 701 is used for issuing summary details on the paymenttransaction.
      Text element 590 concludes the letter with a complimentary close andsignature.
      The following elements are for the INFO window:
      Text element 710 displays the receipt number, the date of issue and thestamp tax amount.

      Text symbols you can use
      When you set up forms with SAPscript, the system inserts the textsymbols into the text, replacing them with the current values when theprint programs are run. The fields you can use for this are defined inthe Data Dictionary and are set up in the following order according tothe program procedure:

      • Output for a company code

      • Data from the company code table (table T001)
        Company code address (internal structure RAADR)
        Sender details (table T001G)
        • Letter and reply

        • The following are always available during the output of the letter andreply:
          Letter recipients = customer, one-time customer, vendor, one-timevendor from document (internal structure DKADR)
          Accounting clerk (table T001S)
          Account with which items were cleared: vendor, one-time vendor fromdocument (internal structure DKAD2)
          Accounting clerk (table *T001S)
          In addition to the structures listed above, you can use master recorddata from the fields in tables KNA1, KNB1, LFA1 and LFB1, depending onthe combination of the letter recipient and clearing account.
          If the letter recipient is a one-time customer or one-time vendor, youcan use data from the fields in table BSEC.
          Address data of the issuer of the payment document (table USR03)
          The following RF140 fields: RF140-TDNAME, RF140-TDSPRAS, RF140-SPRAS,RF140-ZALBT, RF140-AUGBT, RF140-SKTBT, RF140-TLZBT, RF140-RPOBT,RF140-ACOBT, RF140-BRTBT, (= RF140-AUGBT + RF140-TLZBT ), RF140-DIFBT,(= RF140-RPOBT + RF140-ACOBT ), RF140-UMBBT (= RF140-BRTBT -RF140-ZALBT - RF140-SKTBT - RF140-DIFBT ).
          The RF140-ELEMENT field contains the three-digit number of each textelement to be printed.
          If the field BSEG-SGTXT, BSID-SGTXT or BSIK-SGTXT can be used in a textelement, then a text is only output if there is a * at the beginning ofthe line item text.
          Letter: 140-BELEGNUM

          Customizing payment notices in the standard system is explained belowwith examples of customer-specific enhancements.

          Make the settings for correspondence in the "Financial accountingglobal settings" Implementation Guide. Make the settings for thepayment notices under the "Payment notices" option in the "AccountsReceivable and Accounts Payable" Implementation Guide. There youmaintain the suboptions in accordance with the following guidelines.
          In tables where you can make a default entry without a company code,the system accesses the default entry if there are no entries for aspecial company code. If this is not needed, you should only make tableentries which have a predefined company code. See the note below onleaving the default entry blank for the company code within therelevant tables.
          Correspondence types, forms and standard texts starting with Z areexamples of customer-specific objects, which are not delivered with thestandard system.

          1. "Financial Accounting global settings": Correspondence settings:
          Make the settings for payment notices as follows.
          1.1. Examples of the correspondence types:
          SAPQ1 Optimization of tax and number of receipts
          X Document necessary
          SAPQ2 Individual amounts and number of receipts
          X Document necessary
          1.2. Examples of program allocation:
          Leave the entries either blank for individual or all company codesspecifically or blank as a default for company code.
          CCode CorID Program Variant Default text
          0001 SAPQ1 RFKORDJ1 SAPQ1 F140_RECEIPT_J1
          0001 SAPQ2 RFKORDJ1 SAPQ2 F140_RECEIPT_J1
          In the standard text, you may only use the paragraph formats definedfor the corresponding form.
          If when requesting correspondence you enter a language for which thedefault text is not translated, the system displays an empty texteditor for creating the text.
          Default text ZEXAMPLE, TEXT-ID FIKO
          Format Text area
          /* Example of several individual text passages
          /: IF<(> &RF140-ELEMENT<)>& = 'XXX'.
          /* Text in the text element XXX
          AF Text 1
          /: ENDIF.
          /: IF<(> &RF140-ELEMENT<)>& = 'YYY'.
          /* Text in the text element YYY
          AF Text 2
          /: ENDIF.
          XXX and YYY represent text element numbers.
          However, this option cannot be used in windows which do not containtext elements (text elements indicated by numbers).
          But if you want to use individual lines of text in, for example, theINFO window as well as the MAIN window, all text elements withindividual lines of text that should be output must be completedaccording to the following example:
          Text element in INFO window
          Format Text area
          /E XXX
          /: DEFINE <(>&RF140-ELEMENT&<)> ="XXX"
          Text element in MAIN window
          Format Text area
          /E YYY
          /: DEFINE <(>&RF140-ELEMENT&<)> ="YYY"
          For each correspondence request, individual texts are then generatedfrom the default texts. The names of the individual texts consist ofthe ID F140, the user ID, the request date, and the time at which thetext was created. You can change these texts by using the transactionfor maintaining correspondence requests.
          1.4. Examples of forms:
          Leave entries either blank for individual or all company codesspecifically or blank as a default for company code.
          CCode Program Fo.ID Form
          0001 RFKORDJ1 F140_RECEIPT_J11
          0001 RFKORDJ1 IT Z140_RECEIPT_J11
          0001 RFKORDJ1 ZR Z140_RECEIPT_J12
          Use transaction SE71 to check whether the standard forms are in theclient for which you need them. If the standard forms do not exist, youcan copy the missing forms from client 000 by using transaction SE71(Menu -> Utilities -> Copy from client).
          You can create your own forms by copying the standard form and changingthe text (generally in the MAIN window). Forms you create must beginwith Y or Z. The form name should contain the ID F140.
          Standard forms or forms you create in clients other than 000 might haveto be adapted to the standard forms in client 000 accordingly.
          To translate forms into another language, use transaction SE63.
          To set up individual texts, or even standard texts, in the standardform for payment notices, go into the following text elements:
          Form Window Text elements
          F140_RECEIPT_J1 MAIN 701, 590
          You can use individual texts basically anywhere in a form.
          Examples of modifying forms:
          Form ZF140_RECEIPT_J1
          a.) Create form ZF140_RECEIPT_J1 and copy
          form F140_RECEIPT_J11 into form ZF140_RECEIPT_J1.
          b.) Modify text elements 701 and 590 in the MAIN window.
          1.5. Sender details:
          Leave entries either blank for individual or all company codesspecifically or blank as a default for company code.
          CCode Program TXTID Header text Footer text Signature
          Use transaction SO10 to check whether the standard texts are in theclient for which you need them. The text ID is ADRS. If the standardtexts do not exist, use transaction SO10 to copy the texts from client000 (Menu -> Utilities -> Copy from client).
          If you do not need individual details such as the header text andfooter text because you already have company stationery, you can leavethe respective fields in the table blank. But normally at least thestandard text for the signature is needed. To prevent error messagesfrom being displayed when you do not want to use any texts, you shouldmake a default entry (company code = blank and print program name) inthe table.
          1.6. Call possibilities:
          Leave entries either blank for individual or all company codesspecifically or blank as a default for company code.
          CCode Type of correspondence DocEnt.Pmnt DocDsp Act
          0001 SAPQ1 Optimized receipts X
          0001 SAPQ2 Individual receipt X
          1.7. Sort variants for correspondence:
          Sort variants enable you to determine the order in which paymentnotices are output.
          Sort variant Description
          Sequence Field name Description Offset Length
          K1 Sorting by postal code
          1 LAND1 Country 3
          2 HPSTL Postal code or P.O. 10
          3 KOART Account type 1
          4 KONTO Account 10
          K2 Sorting by account number
          1 KOART Account type 1
          2 KONTO Account 10
          K3 Sorting by document number
          1 BELNR Document number 10
          2 GJAHR Fiscal year 4
          All objects are sorted first by company code and then according to thesequence of fields for each sort variant.
          Use the Possible entries key (F4) to display the fields by whichobjects can be sorted. These fields are from the master record tablesKNA1, KNB1, LFA1, LFB1 and the table BSEC for one-time customers.Fields KOART, KONTO, KTOGR (KNA1-KTOKD or LFA1-KTOKK) and KTOZ(KNB1-KNRZE or LFA1-LNRZE) are entered according to the account typefrom the master record tables. The Document number and Fiscal yearfields are only entered when you use document-related correspondence,for example, payment notices.
          You can add fields to this list, enhancing it according to your ownrequirements. From tables KNA1, KNB1, LFA1, LFB1 and BSEC, fields notyet in table RF140V can be included in table RF140VZZ by means of arepair. You must, however, make sure the field names and data elementsfrom the standard tables are used, since the fields in table RF140VZZare filled according to the names in the master record data andone-time customer data. After adding to these fields, you must activatetable RF140VZZ. The sort fields are filled according to their names anda predefined sequence as follows:
          The sort fields are first filled with data from KNA1 or LFA1, then withdata from KNB1 or LFB1 and finally with data from BSEC.
          Thus, fields that have the same name in tables KNA1, KNB1 and BSEC, orLFA1, LFB1 and BSEC, may be overwritten.
          2.1. Examples of program variants:
          You make the settings for the program variants under the "Paymentnotice" option in the "Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable"Implementation Guide.
          Program RFKORDJ1
          SAPQ1 Correspondence sorting K1
          Data from trigger table X
          Correspondence SAPQ1 :obligatory
          Receipt lot Q001
          Tax from original document X
          Country code for tax JP
          Tax code A1
          SAPQ1 Correspondence sorting K1
          Data from trigger table X
          Correspondence SAPQ2 :obligatory
          Receipt lot Q001
          Tax from original document X
          Country code for tax JP
          Tax code A1