SAP Program RFKORDC1 - Print Program: Cash Receipts for Czech Republic and Slovakia

You use this program to print country-specific cash receipts for theCzech Republic and Slovakia.
Description of function:

  • The program transfers accounts payable/receivable information
  • automatically from the second line item or possibly the first line item(maximum of two items which appear with the assessment).
    • The block output texts are defined in the text elements of the program.

    • The program differentiates between the receipts/expenditure according
    • to the document type that has to be specified in the correspondingselection options.

      Before you can print cash receipts in correspondence, the followingprerequisites must be met:
      System settings
      In the Implementation Guide under "Financial Accounting GlobalSettings", enter the basic settings for correspondence. You will findmore detailed explanations on standard settings below in this programdocumentation.
      Defining forms
      Forms must be defined and activated in the system so that you can printthe required correspondence. A form is supplied in the standard systemwhich you can copy and adapt to your needs accordingly.
      In the standard system the form F140_PET_CASH_C1 is used.

      Each document is issued separately. A separate spool request isgenerated for each company code. For testing purposes, a print previewcan be viewed on screen. If you do not enter any information in theprint program detailing the printer on which correspondence is to beprinted, if applicable, the printer is selected from the user masterdata for the person who started the program, or the printer is usedthat was specified when the job was scheduled.
      If errors occur during a program run which are not serious enough toterminate processing, an error list is issued at the end of the programrun. If you want to print error lists on a specific printer, you mustdefine a printer in the log or versions of this. If you do not enter aprinter for the log in the print program, if applicable, the printer isselected from the user master data for the person who started theprogram, or the printer is used that was specified when the job wasscheduled. If you run the program online, then the error list is shownon the screen. If the program is scheduled as a job, the spool requestname for the error list consists of the identification F140ER, theprinter name and, if applicable, the correspondence type and thecompany code.
      If you run the program directly and there is a printout, a log isproduced with the generated spool requests for each program run. If youdo not enter a printer for the log in the print program, wherenecessary, the printer is selected from the user mater data for theperson who started the program, or the printer is used that wasspecified when the job was scheduled. If the program is run online,then the log is shown on the screen. If the program is scheduled as ajob, the spool request name for the log consists of the programidentification F140, the printer name, the creation date, and theprogram identification KORD. If the print program is started by ahigher-level correspondence program, printing of the log is initiatedby the higher-level program (such as trigger for correspondence or cashreceipts).

      Customizing of internal documents using the standard system isexplained below and an example of customized enhancements is given.

      In the "Financial Accounting Global Settings" Implementation Guide,enter the global settings for correspondence. You should maintainsub-items according to the following models.
      In tables where a default entry is permissible without a company code,if no entries are available for a special company code, the defaultentry is used. If you do not want this, you should only make tableentries specifying the company code. You can find more information onthese tables under a note on the default entry for company code blank.
      The correspondence types, forms, and standard texts beginning with Zare examples of user-defined objects which are not supplied asstandard.

      1. Financial Accounting Global Settings: Settings forCorrespondence:
      For internal documents you should maintain the base parameters as
      You should not maintain the sender details since the internal documentsare not sent in letter form.
      1.1. Examples of the correspondence types:
      SAPC1 Cash receipt
      X Document required
      1.2. Examples of report allocation:
      You either make the entries explicitly for individual company codes,for all company codes, and/or for company code blank.
      Co.code CorrID Program Version Text proposal
      0001 SAPC1 RFKORDC1 SAPC1
      1.3. Examples of the forms: :
      You either make the entries explicitly for individual company codes,for all company codes, and/or for company code blank.
      Co.code Program Fo Form
      0001 RFKORDC1 F140_PET_CASH_01
      Using transaction SE71, you should check whether the standard form isavailable in the client for which you require it. If standard forms arenot available, you can copy the missing forms using transaction SE71from client 000 (Menu -> Utilities -> Copying from client).
      You can draw up your own forms by copying the standard form andchanging the form text (usually in the MAIN window). Your forms mustbegin with "Y" or "Z". The name of the form should contain theidentification code "F140".
      In-house forms or standard forms in clients other than 000 must, ifapplicable, be adjusted in release upgrades in accordance with thestandard form in client 000.
      If you require the standard form or a form you have created inlanguages for which no translation is available yet, you can translatethe form using transaction SE63.
      1.4. Call-up possibilities:
      You either make the entries explicitly for individual company codes,for all company codes, and/or as default for company code blankcharacter.
      Co.code Correspondence type Doc.req No. Doc. no. Acc
      0001 SAPC1 Internal document X X
      2. Internal documents:
      Example for program variant:
      Program RFKORDC1
      SAPC1 Sort correspondence B1
      Number of lines in address 3
      Print on printer Define printer, if
      applic., for each
      company code
      Print immediately x
      Log on printer Define printer, for error
      list, if applic. for each
      company code