SAP Program RFKK_UPDATE_CONTACTPERS - Update Contact Persons of Business Partners

In Collections Management you use this report to update thecontact person of a business partner.
During processing of a work item, the contact person of a businesspartner may change. To make this known in Contract Accounts Receivableand Payable (FI-CA), triggers are created that you have to processperiodically with this report.
A prerequisite for successful processing is that the new contact personis already known to FI-CA as a business partner. If this is the case,the report checks whether the new contact person is only valid for aspecific master data group or fort he business partner generally. In thelast step, the new contact person is saved in the relevant master data(contract accounts and/or contracts) of the business partner.

The processing can be restricted to the business partner and the date ofcreation of the trigger.

The output consists of a processing log with the information about whichactions were executed for a business partner and any possible errormessages.