SAP Program RFKK_REPZM_UPDATE_STCEG - EC Sales List: Complete Missing EU Tax Numbers

The system updates the entries for the EC sales list at the time of theposting. If no VAT registration number is entered in the master data ofthe affected business partners, then these VAT registration numbers arenot included in the recording table DFKKREPZM for the EC sales list,even if you entered the VAT registration number subsequently.
This program checks if there are VAT registration numbers (field STCEGof table DFKKREPZM) for all business partners. If missing VATregistration numbers were added to the master data of the businesspartner after the posting, then the program updates the entries of therecording table DFKKREPZM for the EC sales list with the currentregistration number.
Data records of the recording table without a VAT registration numberare not considered when the EC sales list is created.


  • Recording for the EC sales list is active. This means that you have
  • entered at least one company code in Customizing for Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable under Basic Functions -> EC Sales List ->Make Specifications for EC Sales List.
    • You have entered a VAT registration number in business partner master
    • data after relevant postings were made.