SAP Program RFKK_NOTE_TEST - Test Program for Note to Payee Analysis

Test program for checking the settings for the note to payee analyses

The note to payee analysis derives selection criteria for open itemsfrom the note to payee details for incoming payments. This derivationcan be used in event 0950 to add automatic selection criteria in thepayment lot items (see sample function module FKK_SAMPLE_0950). Thederivation rules are also used to make appropriate selection proposalsfor clarification cases for the clerk.

In Customizing you define the selection categories (for example,customer number, account number, contract number, document number) thatcan appear in the note to payee.
You can assign predefined keywords to these selection categories (forexample, everything that follows customer or customer number is deemed to be a business partner number).
You can also assign value ranges and structures to the selectioncategories (for example, 8 digit numerical details in the range70000000 - 89999999 are contract account numbers).
Finally you have to assign the selection ID that you want to use in thepayment lot to each selection category (for example, V if youselect by contract number).
For more details, see the field-related documentation in Customizing.

Entry of fictitious note to payee details to check which selections arederived. This enables you to check whether your Customizing settingsprovide the required results.

Enter a company code and a text for the note to payee and carry out theanalysis.

In the table Selections Found, you can see the selection detailsfound during the evaluation of the text. The display is in the normalformat for the payment lot.
Using the function key Technical List On/Off you can add afurther display that, for each selection proposed, enables you torecognize the rule used to derive the value.