SAP Program RFKK_FQP4_SIMU - Simulation of Note to Payee Type

The simulation of the note to payee helps you to find the optimumsettings for your note to payee type. The fields used under Content
are offered as input fields in the three tables PAYH,PAYHX, and PAYP. You can vary the number of cleared itemsby deleting or duplicating individual lines in table PAYP. Acustomer module for preparing the note to payee lines is also consideredin the simulation. However, only you know the fields required there,which means that you should fill the relevant values after you havedisplayed the corresponding table fields.
You get an optimal result if you use the data from an existing paymentrun as the basis for your example data. Enter the date ID and the ID ofthe payment run and press Load Example Data. Here you can onlyuse payment runs that you have carried out with the payment method thatyou have specified.
When you have entered all the required data, press ExecuteSimulation and a dialog box appears with the prepared lines from thenote to payee.
For more information about the note to payee, see also SAP note 533686.

The note to payee type to be simulated must be assigned to at least onepayment method. If necessary, change the country-specific specificationsfor the payment method using transaction FQP1.


  • The note to payee is prepared in the business partner language that you
  • specify. This enables you to determine whether all of the languagesrelevant for you exist for the note to payee.
    • Irrespective of the actual details defined for the company code, you can
    • check the effects of the payment advice note control on the note topayee.
      • As standard the note to payee lines are output in accordance with the
      • lengths defined for the payment media format (FQP3). However, ifparts of your note to payee content are sometimes missing, you candeselect this function and thereby output the complete line where youcan see which parts would be cut off in productive conditions.