SAP Program RFKK_CVSPAY_EXAM - Monitoring of Third Party Payments

This report gives you an overview of the payment information reportedby external payment collectors (banks, post banks, payment serviceproviders). You can use the report for the following evaluations:

  • Reconciliation of the stamp tax and processing charges reported by the
  • payment service provider with the confirmed payments (DFKKCVS)
    The program also totals the confirmed payments for a specific period.You can then compare the totals with the monthly invoice amounts of thepayment service provider.
    • Selection of unconfirmed payments not confirmed after a specific period
    • Note
      If you select payments with the status Unconfirmed, CalledBack, or Corrected, you should set a posting date. If youwant to select payments with the status Confirmed after aspecific number of days has elapsed, set a confirmation date.
      The totals for stamp tax and processing charges are only displayed forpayments with the status Confirmed.