SAP Program RFKK_CFBNKD - Transfer Bank Details from Clarification Processing

Transfer bank details from clarification table

When you manually process clarification cases, the system records thebusiness partner (contract account, contract) to whom the payment wasassigned for each set of bank details. You can include the bank detailsused in the business partner master data using this report.

Before including the new bank details, the program compares the name ofthe business partner with the name of the account holder provided by thebank. If these do not agree, the data is not transferred. If the dataalready exists there, then it is not transferred.


The report processes all entries in table DFK006E that do not have anentry in field UEBKZ.
If you have already been using the system for a long time, note that theruntime the first time that you execute the report can be quite long dueto the potentially very large number of values defined in the table. Forsubsequent runs, the report only checks new values that have not beentransferred - this speeds up the processing considerably.
The report sets the following indicator for all entries in field UEBKZin table DFK006E:

  • Y: Bank details transferred to business partner

  • N: Bank details not transferred

  • D: Bank details not transferred, since no account holder defined
  • in business partner


    You can output a list of all bank details transferred or nottransferred.

    The new bank details are named according to the pattern 'A00 +sequential number' (for example, A001, A002, A003). You can definealternative patterns in event 0215. For more information see the samplefunction module FKK_SAMPLE_0215.