SAP Program RFKK_CASHDESK_OPEN_AND_CLOSE - Open and Close Cash Desks in Cash Journal

Opening and Closing Cash Desks

Using this report, you can open one or more cash desks of one or morebranches before the start of business. In accordance with the currencyspecified, when you open the cash desks, the corresponding payment lotsare also created. You therefore do not have to specify the currencyexplicitly in the cash journal for each individualcash desk in a branch.
If the cash desks are not closed from the cash journal after close ofbusiness for the branch, you can also use the report to close all cashdesks of all branches. When you close the cash desks, all open paymentlots are closed.

Daily batch run at the beginning and (potentially) end of business.

The cash journal is active (see MaintainDefaults for Cash). The user must have the appropriate authorization(authorization object F_FBCJ) for the cash journal orhave the role Head of Branch.



SAP does not deliver any variants. You can however define your ownvariants.

No output. No list is created.

429041Missing translations of error Message >3 535 (Cash Desk)