SAP Program RFKKVZ00_NACC - Vendor List (Not Accessible)

The vendor list is used for displaying and for printing the vendormaster record data needed in financial accounting. It can be used forinformation and documentation purposes.

You can use selection criteria to narrow down the number ofvendors to be issued. This includes, for example, thevendor account number, the company code, a searchterm, or intervals for the aforementioned selection criteria.
However, if you make the following entries, the program will only issuethose vendors that have company code-specific masterdata:

  • Restrict the data to be issued to certain company codes, for example,
  • 0001 to 0005
    • Select one or more parameters which result in only company code-specific
    • data being issued
      You have the choice between four information sorting methods.
      The minimum data issued for every vendor masterrecord is: Account number, search term, accountgroup, entering party, and the opening date of the general data. Youcan adjust the volume of information that the program issues over andabove this data according to your requirements. The parameters"communication with vendor" and "X - address and telephone number(master)" are alternatives.
      For every vendor, first the general data and then the company code datais issued.
      The parameter "Additional heading" offers the possibility of issuingindividual information in list form in the page header.
      You can use the parameter "X - print microfiche line" to have theinformation issued in microfiche form.