SAP Program RFKKQST50 - Clearing Statistical Withholding Tax Items

The program RFKKQST50 clears statistical withholding tax items.

Whether the business partner can retain withholding tax when paying areceivable (customer withholding tax) depends on the businesstransaction and on the business partner. Whether the business partner isentitled to retain the tax is specified in the contract account. Hereyou can specify the tax code to be used. If a document is posted,statistical items are supplemented automatically to the amount of thewithholding tax that is expected to be retained.
The statistical items in the contract accounting document represent theexpected withholding tax retention. If the business partner does notretain any tax when making the payment, these statistical items may onlybe cleared such that no withholding tax postings arise.
When processing the incoming payment, you can either set the indicatorthat the process is not relevant for withholding tax, or set thestatistical items for withholding tax to inactive.

  • If you choose the first option, the statistical items are cleared
  • without withholding tax postings being created.
    • If you choose the second option, the statistical withholding tax items
    • must be cleared subsequently. You can either do this manually in accountmaintenance or you can use program RFKKQST50.

      You can determine the "remaining" statistical withholding tax itemsusing the selection criteria. Choosing the test run option will give youa list of possible items to be cleared. An update run will clear theitems displayed.