SAP Program RFKKPNHIS0 - List Prenotification Data

The system calls this program from separate transactions and,accordingly, it enables you to carry out various tasks:
"Display History" (transaction FPPNH): you can display all changes madeto data that is relevant for creating prenotifications. This includesdata that was already included in a prenotification file (via thefile creation program), as well as data for whichno prenotification has been created.
"Change Processing Status" (transaction FPPNU): from the output list,you can additionally select prenotification records and manually changetheir processing status as well as specify payment block information.Refer to the information under Activities below.
This program is currently for use in Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom,and United States only.

Notification-relevant changes are:

  • Business partner: bank key, bank account key, bank control, reference
  • specifications for bank details, and account holder name
    • Master record type (contract account or contract level): bank details ID

    • , incoming payment method, payment reference, and own bank details;additionally relevant for the United States are the outgoing paymentmethod and outgoing bank ID
      When you make a change to any of this data, it is stored and madeavailable in the file creation program. And by means of this program,you can display any of these changes.


      You can restrict the selection by a number of criteria, such as thebusiness partner or master record type. In addition, you can viewchanges recorded within specific prenotifications by entering the daterange in which they were created.

      The system displays an ALV list that contains all data that is relevantfor prenotifications.

      When you run this program from the "Change Processing Status"transaction, from the output list you can select active prenotificationrecords and specify any of the following:

      • To be sent: Subsequent file creation program will
      • include selected records in the prenotification file. You can alsoselect this option if you wish to re-send prenotifications. Note, also,that you can implement theBusiness Add-InFKK_ID_PRENOTE to predefine criteria forautomatically selecting records to be included in the file. For example
        , this can be used in the United States - since, by default, changeddata does not automatically trigger a prenotification.
        • Not to be sent: File creation program will exclude selected records from
        • the prenotification file.
          • No payment block: If a prenotification exists for a customer, but it has
          • not yet come into effect, you may want the payment program to notinclude invoices belonging to the customer. You can realize this byimplementing event 0610 for the payment program; the function moduleFKK_US_ACH_0610 is a sample implementation for theACH format. If you choose"No payment block" for a particular record, the function moduleFKK_US_ACH_0610 allows corresponding invoices to be included by thepayment program.