SAP Program RFKKINV_ARCH_BILLDOC_ARCHIVE - Archive Billing Documents

This report carries out the first step in archiving billing documents.It covers:
The analysis of billing documents with respect to possible archiving
Writing the billing documents to an archive file, based on the analysisperformed in the first step
Possible deletion of additional data for the archived billing documents,if you set this up in Customizing
The archiving object includes the following data of the billingdocuments:





  • The archiving object that belongs to the archiving of billing documentsis FKKINVBILL.
    Using the transaction AOBJ, you can access the definition of thearchiving object and the related Customizing.
    Using the transaction SARA, you can access the archiveadministration and the related Customizing.
    Using the transaction SARI, you can access the technical view ofarchived billing documents.

    Archiving of billing documents consists of the following reports:

    • Delete Additional Items of Billing
      You use this report to control the deletion of additional data. If youhave specified in Customizing that the additional data of a billingdocument should be deleted before archiving, then the report deletesthis data.
      Using the BAdI FKKINV_BILLDOC_ARCHIVE, you can define additional checksfor the deletion of additional data of billing documents.
      • Archive Billing Documents (

        Using this report you archive billing documents. The system analyzes allspecified billing documents with respect to possible archiving.
        Using the BAdI FKKINV_BILLDOC_ARCHIVE, you can define additional checksfor the archiving of billing documents.
        See the Prerequisites section.
        • Delete Archived Billing Documents
          You use this report to delete the billing documents written to thearchive file from the corresponding database tables.
          • Display Archived Billing Documents
            You use this report to display the archived billing documents.
            You should not archive billing documents before the invoicing documentwas created. Otherwise this can reduce performance during invoicing.
            You have to enter the standard residence time for the archiving ofbilling documents in Customizing before you can carry out archiving.
            In addition, you have to maintain the control for the additional data ofbilling documents for each document type. You make this setting in theCustomizing activity Define Additional Settings for Archiving ofBilling Documents. You can also define the residence time there atthe level of the document type.
            The archiving report selects the following billing documents:
            • Billing documents with a document number that falls within the selection
            • entered
              • Billing documents whose residence time has expired

              • You define the residence time in Customizing.
                At event 2751, you can you can define additional checks on thearchivability of billing documents in a subsequent analysis process.
                At event 2750, you can archive your own tables, if table DFKKINVBILL_Ais only a reference table.
                If you defined in Customizing that additional data is deleted duringarchiving, you can delete your own tables in event 2753.
                For more information, see the documentation of the given event module.

                Checks for archivability:
                A billing document can only be archived when the following prerequisitesare met:

                • The to-date and the creation date are before the defined residence time
                • (residence time check).
                  • The document is not simulated.

                  • There is no invoicing trigger.

                  • You can limit the dataset to be analyzed by the document type, billingdocument number, contract account, and business partner.
                    If you start the report as a test run, no changes are made to thedatabase.
                    In an update run, changes are made to the database. The detailed logdisplays comprehensive data for each analyzed data record. However, inthe case of large data volumes this can become unwieldy.
                    In the Comment for Archive Run field, you can enter your owncomment for the archive run.