SAP Program RFKKFMCF - Transfer Open Items from FI-CA

You can use this program to carry forward summarized documents thatwere transferred from Cash Desk and Revenue Management (PSCD) to FundsManagement for an FM area and a fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

Which value types of documents can be carried forwardis determined by the selectedupdate profile.
You can restrict which value types of documents should be carriedforward in an FM with the corresponding settings in the Customizing ofFunds Management in the activities Enter Settingsfor Commitment Carryforward Payment Budget andDefine Settings for Commitment CarryforwardCommitment Budget.

You define the FM area the first time you call the program. To changethe FM area, choose Environment -> Change FM Area.
The program processes the items to be carried forward based on theselection criteria specified. You can proceed as follows for this:

  • You can restrict the items by specifying FM account assignments (fund,
  • funds center, commitment item, functional area).
    • You can limit the FM account assignments using the multiple selection.

    • The multiple selection enables you to restrict the selection of itemsaccording to the attributes of the account assignment elements, forexample:
      You can select the fund by the fund name or the fund status.
      You can select the commitment items by the commitment item category orthe financial transaction.
      A proposal list is created in accordance with your restrictions in whichthe FM account assignments can be restricted further.
      You can also create a variant for the multiple selection and execute theprogram in the background.
      You can control the process and the output of the program as follows:
      • Test run
      • Output
        The open amounts of the documents from the old fiscal year in line itemtable FMIFIIT are written off summarized for each FM account assignmentand posted in the new year. In other words, for each summarized FMaccount assignment, two new line items are generated.
        Two lines are displayed for the summarized amounts in the line itemreport in the information system:

        • a line with the amount type Carry Forward Commitment from Previous
        • Year (300) and the first special period (for example 13) for the oldfiscal year.
          • a line with the amount type Carry Forward Commitment from the
          • Follwing Year (350) and the period 0 for the new fiscal year.

804032Summary commitments carryforward for the German Armed Forces
806933Aggregation of activities in summary commt carried forward
800144More activities for summary commitment carryforward (FI-CA)