SAP Program RFKKEWU6 - Euro: List for Adjusting Reconciliation and VAT Clearing Accts in FI

Report RFKKEWU6 delivers the basis for the adjustment posting ofreconciliation and tax on sales and purchases clearing accounts in thegeneral ledger as part of the changeover to euro in Contract A/R & A/P.
This report runs in the POST phase of the standard euro changeoverpackage after the FI reports RFEWA009 and RFEWA010.
Report RFKKEWU6 determines the adjustment posting to be carried out asfollows:
As part of document conversion, report REUKEWU3 logged the differencesbetween the balances of the items currently open in Contract A/R &A/P.(differentiated according to company code, reconciliation or tax onsales/purchases clearing account and business area).
Report REUKEWU3A logged the curent balance in the FI G/L after it hadbeen translated to euro in the CONVERSION phase (table GLT0)
The difference between these balances is the basis for the adjustmentposting in FI, determined by FI-CA.
However, as part of the FI G/L changeover to euro, the balances areadjusted on the basis of the documents (adjustment of balances byReport RFEWA010 on the basis of differences highlighted by reportRFEWA009).
Since the FI-CA adjustment posting can only be carried out once allconversion activities in FI have been completed, the FI-CA differencedetermined must be reduced by the adjustment of FI balances alreadycarried out.
The new basis for the adjustment posting is formed as follows:

  • The differences between FI-CA and FI at the time of the CONVERSION
  • phase
    • minus: The differences between FI balances and the documents logged in
    • report RFEWA009
      This adjustment posting should be carried out as the final step in theconversion of documents in Contract A/R & A/P. The report draws up alist which shows the amount for the adjustment posting for each companycode, business area and account. The offsetting account is the accountfor rounding differences defined in Customizing.
      The reference for the adjustment posting is logged in the import/exporttable RFDT.
      Create an adjustment document by opening the accounts for this postingunder manual posting and enter '++EUROFICA++' as a reference documentnumber. Post the amounts >0 as debits, and amounts <0 as credits.
      This adjustment posting, with the reference document number'++EUROFICA++', and the related amounts are monitored by reportRFKKEWU7 as being the end of the POST phase.
      For auditing purposes, any differences between the following balancesare also logged by report RFKKEWU6 in the import/export table RFDT(differentiated according to company code, reconciliation and tax onsales/purchases clearing account and business area):
      • Current open items balance in FI-CA (determined by report RFKKOP10)

      • Current balance in FI (balances already adjusted by report RFEWA010)

      • minus: The FI-CA adjustment posting to be carried out (see above)

      • If this results in a balance which is not equal to zero then it is notas a result of changeover to euros and must be clarified (for example,incorrect postings in FI to the accounts posted to by Contract A/R &A/P). If this is the case, report RFKKEWU6 ends with a warning.
        All logs saved by report RFKKEWU6 in table RFDT can be listed usingreport RFKKEWU8.

300203Freq.-asked questions: Changeover to EURO in IS-U/T
359475No data for G/L account corrections for Euro conv.