SAP Program RFKKDMSCC1 - Determination of References to Image for Documents in DMS

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With this report you can create the connection between correspondencesin the Document Management Service and images in the opticalarchive.
After output in the Print Workbench, documents created fromcorrespondences of the correspondence types offered for selection hereare in the Document Management Service. Since there can be a delay inthe storage of archived images in the output modes File Only orPrint and File, the system cannot create the connections betweenthe documents and the images during the output. When you display anindividual document, the system can determine the reference to the imageof the document in real time. For a larger number of correspondences, werecommend that you determine the reference before the display using thisreport. This has the following advantages:

  • The display of the images is faster because the reference to the image
  • is already known at the time of display.
    • If you use the function Copy Image from Correspondence to Default
    • Content Repository for correspondence types (see ConfigureCorrespondence Types for DMS IMG activity) and run this report soonafter the output in the Print Workbench, the images are protectedagainst deletion by other applications.

      In the Configure Correspondence Types for DMS IMG activity, thereport offers configured correspondence types - for which the referencesto the images are still to be determined - with their number forselection.

      Select the required correspondence types.
      If you want to automatically copy images of specific correspondencetypes to the default content repository, first maintain the relevantsettings in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivableand Payable under Basic Functions -> Document Management Service ->Configure Correspondence Types for DMS.