SAP Program RFKKCORR_DISPLAY_HISTORY - Correspondence - Display Correspondence History (ALV Grid)

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The correspondence history displays the selected correspondence requeststhat are in the correspondence container.
The technical status of the correspondence request is set dependent onthe processing step being executed. The status is used to document theprocessing steps of a correspondence request in the change documents. Inthe history, you can recognize the last processing step exeucted, and,via the change documents, all processing steps.
Possible processing steps are:

  • Creation of correspondence requests

  • Creation of a correspondence request that cannot be printed

  • Output of the correspondence request (real, test, and repeat print)

  • Logical deletion of the correspondence request

  • You can see from the output date whether the correspondence has alreadybeen output.

    The correspondence requests selected have already been created and arestored in the correspondence container. You have maintained thecorrespondence status in the SAP Customizing ImplementationGuide, under Cross-Application Components -> General ApplicationFunctions -> Correspondence -> Define Status for Correspondence.