SAP Program RFKKBU10 - Accts Detailed Listing from Open Item Account Accumulated Audit Trail

Program RFKKBU10 is the print program for the cumulative open itemaccount balance audit trail. It documents the transactions of customer,vendor, and G/L accounts managed on an open item basis. It processes thebalance sheet of the cumulative open item account balance audit trailthat was previously created.

You can configure the outputlist for individual users. You canuse the functions of the SAP List Viewer to configure the list.
In the statistics section at the end, the following message may appear:
Balance not equal to 0 in clearing transactions (number)
This error occurs if not all items of the clearing transaction are foundin the accrued period. In this case, you need to check the accrual forthe period and complete the balance.
The system designates the clearing transactions affected ("X" in theBalance, Clearing TA field, technical name XAUGL_ERR).