SAP Program RFKKBI_EDR_RELOAD - Reload Provisionally Rejected EDRs

This program allows you to transfer provisionally rejected EDRs into thetable of billable EDRs.

EDRs can be transferred from an external system into the ERP system bymeans of a BAPI. In the process, each EDR must be assigned to a billingaccount using the external reference. The systemmight be unable to find a billing account for an external reference, forexample, because the billing account has still to be created in the ERPsystem. In such cases, the associated EDR is provisionally rejected. Thesystem also provisionally rejects EDRs that belong to a billing accountwith express billing, for which the SAP lockcould not be set.
This program allows you to resume processing of the provisionallyrejected EDRs. If the billing account now exists, or the lock can now beset, the associated EDR is transferred into the table of billable EDRs.

Run this program at regular intervals. Specify an interval that ensuresthat the number of provisionally rejected EDRs remains low. Note thatprovisionally rejected EDRs cannot be billed. Thetime of transfer, which is important for thechronological sequence in billing, is not set until an EDR istransferred into the table of billable EDRs.

You can restrict the selection of provisionally rejected EDRs tospecific external references and EDR categories.
You can specify an upper limit for the number of EDRs to be processed.