SAP Program RFKKBI_EDR_CLEANUP - Clean Up Transfer Period

You use this report to clean up a transfer period
for EDRs.
The program requires that database partitions be created for EDRsdependent on the transfer period: All of the EDRs of a partition are thesame in the transfer period (see, for example, field LOADPERIOD in tableDFKKBIEDRTC).
The clean-up of a partition prepares the deletion of the partition.

An EDR partition can be deleted when the following conditions are met:

  • The EDRs are no longer required from a business perspective.

  • The retention period has elapsed for all EDRs of
  • the partition.
    • The partition contains no EDRs that have still to be billed.
    • Features
      This program determines all of the EDRs for the specified transferperiod with the specified category, which have not yet beenbilled. These EDRs are deleted and reinserted in the system with thesystem time as the new time of transfer.

      • It does not always make sense to delete an EDR and reinsert it with a
      • new time of transfer. Possible reasons against this are:
        The customer does not accept EDRs from previous periods
        It results in incorrect billing content as, depending on the totalamount, a discount is calculated
        Therefore, you should check whether this procedure is viable from abusiness perspective before you use the report. If it is not viable, youcan execute the report in a simulation run (see below) and permanentlyreject incorrect EDRs manually.
        • The report searches for unbilled EDRs based on billing accounts that,
        • according to the Billed To time stamp, havenot yet been fully billed in the transfer period. This procedure isefficient if the large majority of billing accounts are periodicallybilled on a regular basis. The procedure is not efficient if you bill alarge amount of billing accounts using demand-driven billing. Werecommend that you do not use this report fordemand-driven billing, as it would result in a verylong runtime.
          • For billing using billing procedures, the
          • situation may arise that an EDR is only partially billed. This occurs ifthe time of transfer of the EDR is after theBilled To time stamp of the billing accountbut before the Partially Billed To timestamp. Partially billed EDRs cannot be deleted and reinserted with a newtime of transfer, as they already have a reference to a billing account.The relevant billing accounts must be fully billed before partitions canbe deleted.


            • Transfer period

            • Specify a transfer period whose retention period has elapsed.
              • EDR Category

              • Specify an EDR category. If you want to clean up atransfer period for multiple EDR categories, you need to execute theprogram several times.
                • Billing Account

                • You can use this selection criterion to restrict the search for unbilledEDRs to specific billing accounts. Note that a partition may only bedeleted if the associated transfer period was checked in full andwithout restriction.
                  • Simulation Run

                  • If you select this checkbox, the program does not make changes in thedatabase (apart from writing the application log). It only checkswhether unnbilled EDRs exist in the transfer period.
                    • Extended Log

                    • If you select this checkbox, the system logs all unbilled EDRsindividually.

                      Check the log after you have executed the report. If the report runswithout terminating and without any error messages, the partition doesnot contain any unbilled EDRs.