SAP Program RFKKBI_BILLACC_CHANGE_SAMPLE - Change Billing Accounts for Test Purposes

You can use this report to create and change
billing accounts for test purposes.
Note that you are not permitted to use this report to create billingaccounts in the production system.
In production systems, billing accounts are generally created usingCustomer Relationship Management (CRM).
This report is provided solely as a template. In order to use thetest functions, you have to create your own report based on this one.

This report is based on the program
RFKKBI_BILLACC_MON, which is used to monitor billing accounts. Itcontains various additional functions that control the changing ofbilling accounts for test purposes.
When creating billing accounts, also see Creatingand Changing Billing Accounts.

First create the contract accounts and business partners for which youwant to create billing accounts.

Call report RFKKBI_BILLACC_CHANGE and select any billing accounts (forexample, using *).
The billing accounts are displayed in billing account monitoring:

  • At the top of the screen, you can see the header data for all billing
  • accounts that the system found.
    • If you select a billing account, the system displays detailed
    • information on the tab pages at the bottom of the screen.
      From a technical point of view, the display is divided into four lists,which are displayed using ABAP List Viewer technology. You can changeany ALV layout by using the appropriate pushbuttons.
      You can only change time-dependent values of the billing account forperiods that have not yet been billed.

      If you select a line in the ALV grid, the system proposes values for thechanges you want to make.
      If you want to create a new billing account, for example, you can firstselect an existing account and the system proposes parameter values forone item and one interval from the historical header data of theexisting billing account.
      You have the following options:

      • Create billing account

      • Here you can create a new billing account. A valid billingaccount must consist of at least header data, historicalheader data, and a billing account item. Therefore, the systemautomatically generates a billing account with one interval ofthe historical header data and one item.
        You can define a runtime. The runtime is also used for thebilling account item to be created and for the initial interval of thehistorical header data. If you leave the fields empty, the system takesthe system date for the lower limit and sets the upper limit toinfinity.
        For the external reference, you can choose anycharacter string you like in the test report as long as it does notalready exist in the system.
        Enter your business partner and your contract account.
        Use the input help (F4) to enter data in the following fields:
        External Reference Category
        Application Area
        Type of Billing Account
        Billing Rate Category
        Billing Cycle
        Item Type of Billing Account
        Billing Rate Type
        If you want to temporarily delay billing of a billing account,select the Billing Lock Reason field. Use the input help (F4) tochoose a billing lock reason. The lockapplies if a valid value is entered in this field and theReverse Billing Lock field is marked asinitial.
        Choose any character strings for the billing object.
        The Contract and Sub-Applicationfields are optional. These fields are managed in mySAP ERP, but notprocessed. As the sub-application classified the contract, you can onlyfill in the Sub-Application in combination with the Contract
        You can also choose express billing. If you dothis, you must also choose an appropriate billing cycle.
        • Change Header Data

        • You can change a limited number of fields in the header data once youhave created the billing account.
          • Set End of EDR Loading Time (Tab page Header Data)

          • Choose a time until when EDRs can be loaded for your billing account.When you create a billing account, the end is set to infinity. You canonly set this function to a finite value once for each billing account.
            • End Billing Account Early (Tab page Header Data)

            • You can end full billing accounts early. This is useful if you cannotyet specify an end date when you create a billing account.
              Choose a time for the billing account to end. This applies to allintervals of the header data, the historical header data, and the items.
              • Insert Historical Header Data (Tab page Historical Header
              • Data)
                The system stores changeable characteristics of billing accounts incontinuous intervals of historical header data.
                To change these intervals, choose Insert Historical Header Data.
                First the system creates a new interval. If times overlap with existingintervals, the system overwrites the existing intervals. The system thencombines any identical adjacent intervals.
                Choose a validity period for the new interval. If you do not enter anyvalues, the system copies the start and end of the validity period fromthe billing account. Fill in the other fields as described under
                Create Billing Account.
                • Insert Item (Tab page Billing Account Items)

                • In the same way as when you insert historical header data, the systemalso overwrites existing logical items, items of the same billingobject, and items with the same item type when you create and changebilling account items. The system then combines any identical adjacentintervals.
                  Choose a validity period for the new item. If you do not enter anyvalues, the system copies the start and end of the validity period fromthe billing account. Fill in the other fields as described under
                  Create Billing Account.
                  • End Logical Item (Tab page Billing Account Items)

                  • You can end logical items. To do so, specify the billing object and thebilling account item type. Enter an end time.
                    All items with the specified combination of billing object and billingaccount item type and that cover the specified time are ended early.
                    All items that start after the specified time are deleted.
                    All items that end before the specified time remain unchanged
                    • Delete Logical Item (Tab page Billing Account Item)

                    • You can delete logical items. To do so, select a billing object and abilling account item type. All items with the specified combination aredeleted.