trados = fi

The report creates a data extract for the annual tax return in Belgium.It considers all business partners that

  • are subject to tax, and

  • reach the minimum sales specified

  • The data extract is created as a file. The file consists of 3 differentrecord categories:
    • Record number 000000 : Tax number, name, address of sender

    • Record number 000001-999998: Sales per business partner

    • Record number 999999 : Total sales, total tax amount

    • The record length is 130 characters for all record types, including endcharacters.

      If you enter a restriction for the document date, the year specified isnot used for selection, it is merely displayed as the report year. Thisis necessary because the year saved in the dataset is derived from theposting date and can be different to the year of the document date.

      The basis for the data extract is database table DFKKREP01. Thisonly contains the required data if the function modules
      FKK_EVENT_0010_REPDATA and FKK_EVENT_0020_REPDATA are enteredfor document creation in the Customizing for events 0010 and 0020.
      You access the relevant Customizing activities in the IMG for ContractAccounts Receivable and Payable under Program Enhancements.
      To create the file, you have to specify the entire path in the file treefor the file name.
      If part of the path is missing, it might be that the file is in thewrong place or that it cannot even be created. In the latter case, theprogram terminates with the message that the file could not be opened.


      Output on disk:
      With report RFASLDPC you can transfer the file to a disk.

      Accompanying letter
      The required accompanying letter for the data medium is created onrequest.

      Output as list
      The report can also create a list output.