SAP Program RFKKAV00 - Transfer of Payment Advice Notes from a Sequential File

trados = docu -> fi -> fica

This report transfers data and uses it to create one or more paymentadvice notes. To do this, it executes the following steps:

  • Read the specified application server file and check the data contained
  • therein
    • Create one or more payment lots as long as the data records are correct

    • Close the payment advice notes provided the corresponding indicators are
    • set
      Data records that contain errors are saved separately, and can betransferred after they have been corrected.

      The report outputs the following information in a log:

      • The number of data records (payment advice note items) containing errors

      • , their numbers, and their lines in the application server file
        • A list of the payment advice notes created and their status

        • You can select an extended log.

          The report transfers payment advice note data from an application serverfile. Note the following for this file:

          • All fields must have character format.

          • Every line can only contain one structure.

          • The report expects the following for each file (take note of thesequence):
            • One file header record (BFKKRAV00 structure) per file

            • One payment advice note header (structure BFKKAVK)

            • Any number of items (structure BFKKAVP)

            • You can include data for any number of payment advice notes in a file.However, you have to ensure that you always specify the payment advicenote header and then the related payment advice note items.
              You can generate a test file using report RFKKAVDG.
              You can display or change transfer files using reportRFKKAVDA.

              Customer Structures
              The name of a customer structure used for the data transfer is createdas follows: Z + name of original transfer structure. Customer structurescan only contain fields of the original structure.
              To ensure that the transfer is version-independent, we recommend thatyou use Z structures for the data transfer. Z structures also enable youto remove fields that you no longer require from the structure andtherefore simplify the program for entering the file.
              You can use report RFKKAVZG or transaction FPB22to simplify thegeneration of customer structures. There you can check thestatus foreach structure displayed or regenerate the structure.

              Analyze the structures specified in the section entitled"Prerequisites". Determine what required data is transferred from yourbusiness partner and what data you have to add.
              Write a program that executes the following steps:
              Read data that you get from the business partner.
              Extract data that is relevant for the payment advice note, transfer itto an application server file and enhance it.
              Make sure you have read the notes written under "Prerequisites".
              Call up the report for transferring the payment advice note data(RFKKAV00). To transfer the data from the application serverfile to apayment advice note, make entries in the required fields and select thefield Process File.
              If the report has determined data records that contain errors (see log),proceed as follows:
              Execute the error processing report (RFKKAVFA) and correctthe datarecords that contain errors. Proceed.
              Call up the report for transferring payment advice note data(RFKKAV00)again. To add the corrected data records to the relevant payment advicenote, make entries in the required fields, and select the fieldProcessErrors.
              If the report is interrupted, you can restart processing by selectingthe
              Process File after Interruption field for the report run. Thereport continues processing from the last data record processed.
              You can reconcile the data of your business partner with the paymentadvice notes created. To do this, compare, for example, the number ofpayment advice notes that were written to the application server fileand their total amounts with the data for the corresponding paymentadvice notes (Display Payment Advice Note).Choose PaymentAdvice Note ->Display.

              When you transfer payment advice notes, you can create two paymentadvice note categories:
              Payment advice note from business partner
              Payment advice note from collection agency
              You have to provide the following fields with data:

              • Payment advice note of business partner
              • (transaction FPAV in dialogprocessing).
                In the payment advice note header (STYPE = 1),the field XINKA must = 0.You also have to fill the fields AVKEY, GPART, VKONT
                , AVDAT, WAERS, BUKRS, SELT1, andTOTAM.
                In the payment advice note items (STYPE = 2), you have tofill thefields SELT1, SELW1, and BETRW_AV.
                • Payment advice note of collection agency
                • (transaction FPAVI in dialogprocessing).
                  In the payment advice note header (STYPE = 1),the field XINKA must = 0.You also have to fill the fields AVKEY, AVDAT, WAERS
                  , BUKRS, and TOTAM.
                  In the payment advice note items (STYPE = 2), you have tofill thefields OPBEL, INKPS, BETRW_AV, and NINKB.