SAP Program RFID_BR_VENDOP - Vendor Operation (Brazil)

You use this report to monitor and create documents for the vendoroperation procedure in Brazil. The report takes an existing invoice anduses it to create a new one for the original amount plus the fees forthe vendor operation procedure - in much the same way as the bill ofexchange procedure. The items in the new invoice are assigned a specialgeneral ledger indicator of their own and the system blocks theoriginal invoice for payment.
The report enables you to determine which bank offers the lowestinterest rates and stores this information in the vendor operationdocument for use later on during payment runs. Alternatively, you canselect the bank yourself.


  • Required entries

  • The company code that the report is to cover
    The fiscal year that you want to select open customer items for
    The posting rule that the vendor operation documents are to be postedwith
    The posting rule must contain a special general ledger indicator fordebit postings. You must enter the indicator in include RFBRVEND asconstant SPLIND. The account symbol for the credit posting must containa specific account.
    • Optional entries

    • The reference number of the invoices to be included
      The customers that are to be included
      The document numbers that are to be included
      The posting dates that are to be included
      The payment methods that are to be included
      You must create a separate payment method for the vendor operationprocedure and enter it in include RFBRVEND as constant PAYMETH.
      A flag that displays the items already dealt with in addition to theopen items
      The name of the display variant for the ABAP List Viewer.

      The system displays a list of each vendor's open items that have notyet been included in the vendor operation procedure. If you have setthe status flag, the list also shows the items that have already beendealt with. If any errors occur while the list is being generated, thefields are highlighted in red. To find out what caused the errors,choose Error list.

      To access a customer's master record or a document, double click thecustomer number or the document number.
      To find the best interest rate for the vendor operation procedure,select the items you want and choose Find best interest rate.Then, in the dialog box, enter the number of days that you want toextend the due date by (for example, 20). The bank values,interest rates, and amounts are then displayed in the list.
      To assign a particular bank's interest rate to an item, select it andchoose Interest rate overview. Then, in the dialog box,double-click the bank you want. If you have not already used the bestinterest rate function, you must also enter how many days you want toextend the due date by. Again, the bank values, interest rates, andamounts are displayed in the list.
      To create a vendor operation document for an item, select the item andchoose Create vendor operation document. The document number isdisplayed in the list. You cannot process the item further.
      To reverse the last activity that you have carried out, chooseUndo. If you undo the creation of a vendor operation document,the documents are reversed. To this end, a dialog box appears, in whichyou enter the reason for the reversal. Choosing Undo a secondtime reverses the reversal.
      The other icons are part of the standard ABAP List Viewer functions andare used to format the list layout.