SAP Program RFIDKRTP_R - Print Tax Invoices

This report is used to print tax bills frm the clearing documents thatare created by the RFIDKRTC report. The print program fills the fieldsof the FTIV_KR_DEB SAP script form and then prints on pre-prepared taxbill forms.
However, if you choose Additional List on the selection screen,you can generate the whole list of materials that belong to the selectedtax bill.

In order to print the tax bill form correctly, you must maintain all theaddresses in the customer master records, and in you own businessplaces.
You must first use the RFIDKRTC report to select and clear thetax-relevant open items.
To generate the additional list, you must make an entry in the T001Ftable. You maintain the RFIDKRTP print program, AS event and the SAPscript form for the additional list in the relevant company code.
To suppress the address data ofthe customer in the additional list, theRFIDKRTP print program transfers the ADDRESS_ITAB internal table to theSAP script form. Below, the meaning of the individual fields of thisinternal table are listed. In this way, you can compose the customer'saddress on the form as your requirements dictate.
ADDRESS_ITAB-NAME : Customer name
ADDRESS_ITAB-BUSTYP: Type of business
ADDRESS_ITAB-INDTYP: Type of industry
The following internal table transfers the materials data from the printprogram to the form:
AUSGLOP_MAT_ITAB-MATNR : Material number
This report prints the tax bills for selected clearing items. Thecustomer's address and that of the business place, as well as the totalbase amount and total tax amount are printed in the corresponding fieldsof the form.
A maximum of four different materials, the total number of materials,the unit, net value and tax amount are printed.
If more than four materials were invoiced, a totals line is printed inthe first line of the form. This line contains the total base amount andthe total tax amount only.
Identical materials in different SD billing documents are groupedtogether.
In the case of returns, the quantity of returned materials is subtractedfrom the quantity of shipped materials.
If the SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) component is not available, andthe cleared documents are FI documents, only the total base amount andtotal tax amount are printed in the first line.
The materials of a selected tax bill are printed in a list (that is notbased on a form) that contains the name, address and tax number of thecustomer; the document number of the tax bill and data of the materialsas listed in the tax bill.
If the number of sold materials is less than five, all the materials arelisted in detail:
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
123 45 67890 098 76 54321
Samsung D Mr. Lee Daewoo Mr. Park
Seoul St. Seoul, 6919 Test, Test, 12345 Seoul
Service Program Manufact. Automobile
980407 6 8 5 0 0 0 8 5 0 0
Material 1 20 ST 1000 20000 2000
Material 2 10 ST 2000 20000 2000
Material 3 15 ST 2000 30000 3000
Material 4 10 ST 1500 15000 1500
If the number of sold materials is greater than four, a totals line isprinted:
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
123 45 67890 098 76 54321
Samsung D Mr. Lee Daewoo Mr. Park
Seoul St. Seoul, 6919 Test, Test 12345 Seoul
Service Program Manufact. Automobile
980407 6 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0
***** ** ** **** 90000 9000
If the SAP SD component is not available, only a totals line is printed:
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
123 45 67890 098 76 54321
Samsung D Mr. Lee Daewoo Mr. Park
Seoul St. Seoul, 6919 Test, Test, 12345 Seoul
Service Program Manufact. Automobile
980407 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
***** ** ** **** 100000 10000