SAP Program RFIDCN_ITEMIZED_REPORT - List of VAT Invoices Issued (Special/Normal) (China)

You use this report to create a list of prenumbered invoices that youhave used, in accordance with Chinese legal requirements. You submitthis list to the tax authorities once a month.

You have:

  • Printed all the invoices in the time specified or assigned them an
  • official document number manually and transferred them to accounting
    • Voided all the invalid invoices
    • Features

      The selection screen includes the following fields:

      • Continuous

      • Numbers the invoices continuously. The invoices are sorted by officallot number and document number.
        • Restart each page

        • Restarts the invoice numbering on each page.
          If you select this option, specify how many invoices are to be printedon each page and change the number of rows in the print output tomatch. When calculating how many rows you need, take into account theheader, the footer, the number of invoices per page, and any horizontalrules.