SAP Program RFFM_CREATE_CI_SET_HIER - Create Cmmt Item Set Hierarchy from the Master Data Hierarchy

This report creates a commitment itemset hierarchy from the mast
er data hierarchy. You can use it to carry out hierarchical reportingfor commitment items using theReport Writer.

You have created commitment item hierarchies in your master data.


  • FM Area: the FM area to which the commitment items belong.

  • Variant: the commitment item hierarchy variant.

  • Set Prefix: a prefix for all the sets generated by the program, if the
  • option "general set hierarchy" is selected. The first two charactersmust be '"4B".
    • Conflicting Set Handling: if one or more of the sets that are being
    • created already exist in the database, you can decide to cancel the sethierarchy creation, or to overwrite the existing hierarchy with the newone. In this case, overwriting only occurs if the top nodes of the twoconflicting hierarchies (the existing one and the one being created) areidentical.
      These options are only available in update mode (that is, indicatorTest Run not checkmarked).
      • Test Run: If selected, the list for the set hierarchy is generated, but
      • the sets themselves are not created. If not selected (update mode), somesituations still exist where the set hierarchy is not created (see"Conflicting Set Handling" above).

        The set hierarchy is displayed using indentation to show tree depth. Thedisplay includes sets and individual commitment items belonging to thesets.
        If the test run indicator is not checkmarked, and if no conflicting setsare detected during creation, the set hierarchy is created. A single topnode, to which everything rolls up, is created: It is generated from theset prefix, the FM area, the variant, and the fiscal year.

        FM Area XYZ
        Variant 000
        Fiscal Year 2003
        X General Set Hierarchy
        Set Prefix 4BCI_
        X Test Run
        (Note: the real output is formatted in SAP Listviewer (ALV) treeform and differs slightly from the one shown below)
        Create Cmmt Item Set Hierarchy from the Master Data Hierarchy

        Status Set / Commitment ItemDescription
        Test Run 4BCI__XYZ_000_20034BCI__XYZ_000_2003
        Test Run 4BCI_3200110
        Test Run 3200110
        Test Run 4BCI_3200530
        Test Run 3200530
        Test Run 4BCI_3200550
        Test Run 3200550
        Test Run 4BCI_9900990
        Test Run 9900990
        Test Run 4BCI_VVS_STEUERN
        Test Run VVS_STEUERN

615597Adding Report Writer functionality to BCS
658019Miscellaneous corrections for RW for BCS