SAP Program RFFMUD21 - Budget Increase Due To Revenues on Totals


Budget Increase through Revenues in Distribution Procedure 2(Totals-based)

You can use this program to increase the expenditure budget based onpurpose-oriented revenues. In accordance with the rules for revenuesincreasing the budget, the program either increases the budgetautomatically or just outputs the posting in a log. You can then use thelist to decide for which expenditure FM account assignments a budgetincrease is to be performed manually, for example, with a budgetsupplement.

Payment basis
If you are working on a payment basis based on a validUpdate Profile, and havedefined that the budget increase will be performed following the receiptof payment in the rule maintenance for FM account assignments, you mustfirst start program RFFMS200 before running thisprogram.
Manual budget increase
As a rule, a budget memo with budget memo type 04 (manual) mustbe defined for revenues FM account assignments if you want to increasethe budget manually.

You can restrict the selection of data to an FM area, a fiscal year andcertain funds. Because the rules for revenues increasing the budget areyear-dependent, the fiscal year determines which rule is valid. You mustchoose Manual budget increase if you want to increase the budgetmanually.

The list that is issued is based on theSAP List Viewer.
See the tool documentation for more information about the features ofthe SAP List Viewer. You can find this documentation in the SAP Libraryunder Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions-> SAP List Viewer.
The source revenues FM account assignment is displayed in the list foreach expenditure FM account assignment whose budget is increased. In theselection screen, you can choose whether the list is sorted according torevenue FM account assignments or according to expenditure FM accountassignments.