SAP Program RFFMRP53 - Reconstruct Actual Data for Cash Budget Mgt from Purchase Orders

Report RFFMRP53 creates data for the payment commitment (value type 51)in cash budget management from the purchase orders created in MaterialsManagement.
Maintain the report parameters as follows:

  • Company code

  • Radio button for dealing with purchase orders for which data already
  • exists in cash budget management: The following possibilities exist:
    Preliminary check (old replaces new): If data already exists, thepurchase order is not posted.
    Reversal (new replaces old): The old line items for the purchase orderare removed and new line items are created.
    The third possibility, the relinquishment of a preliminary check, issensible for performance reasons if you completely rebuild the data(either for the first time or after deleting using RFFMDL52 orRFFMDL50)

    We recommend that you rebuild the actual data if the payment commitmentdata in cash budget management is incorrect or incomplete and needs tobe corrected.
    As a basic rule, you should reconstruct the actual data inbackground processing, unless you have limited this to fewpurchase orders.

    Organizational requirements for actual data reconstruction:

    • You must run report RFFMS180 before reconstructing the actual
    • data.
      • Ensure that no other activities are carried out in the system during
      • the actual data reconstruction, in particular no document entry.To do this, block your company codes against further postings byclosing the relevant periods. For more information, read the"Open and close posting periods"chapter in the financial accounting implementation guide.
        Note: You can find more information on report RFFMS180 in therelevant report documentation.

        Log lists.

719597Cash Budget Management: Change of fiscal year variant
636644Adjustment of commitment subsequent to account maintenance
532333Reorganization of commitment items in original documents
177990Cash Budget Mangmt:Reconstructing FI related CBM-data
122636Data reorganization and commitment items