SAP Program RFFMRP18 - Subsequent Posting of Clearing Information to Cash Budget Management

This program reads the claring characterist tables FMCLHD and FMCLIT inCash Budget Management, posts the information they contains to thefunds movement data, and then removes the processed entries from thetables.

Movement data from accounting recorded in Cash Budget Management.

If you have activated Cash Budget Management and the "Separate ClearingPosting" function (program RFFMBTCL), the clearing information postedin FI does not enter Cash Budget Management online, but is placed in aninterim store for later posting.

The additional restrictions in the program are intended for thetargeted deletion of individually marked clearing data - for example,for test purposes or in the event of errors.

If the prerequisites apply, you should run the program regularly inbatch for the whole FM area. If this program has run, the datadisplayed in Cash Budget Management is complete. Otherwise, you seesome of your payments in clearing commitment items.

860302Bottleneck during clearing
682972Incorrect commitment item in payments by bill of exchange
602461Reduction of data volume in cash budget management
486201Update termination w/ clearing because of memory bottleneck
379819Customizing for clearing in background w/o effect
191821Cash Budget Management in Release 4.6