SAP Program RFFMRP03 - Document Transfer from Earmarked Funds

Reconstructing earmarked funds and funds transfers in Funds Management(FM).
The RFFMRP03 program reconstructs earmarked funds and funds transfers.You can decide whether the program tests if the document already existsin FM and therefore does not reconstruct it, or whether a documentshould be deleted before reconstruction (if it exists).
Documents that are already selected for the commitment carryforward tothe new fiscal year, or that have already been carried forward to thenew year cannot be reconstructed because all information on year-endoperations in lost during reconstruction.
However, if you still want to reconstruct such documents, you mustfirst reverse the carryforward to the new year using programRFFMCCFR and then delete the documents using theprogram RFFMDLOI. You can then reconstruct thedocuments.


  • You have backed up your data.

  • You have ensured, through organizational measures, that no earmarked
  • funds and funds transfers are posted during reconstruction.
    After reconstruction, you must also reconstruct the assigned values.
    For this, choose Budgeting -> Tools -> Reconstruction AssignedValues.
    This ensures that availability control can, in keeping with thecommitment data in Funds Management, identify excessive fundsassignments in your funds center and commitment item hierarchies.commitment item hierarchy.


    • List of the earmarked funds and funds transfers not to be processed.

    • Statistical evaluations

989274FMIOI entry incorrect w.due date change after CF & RevCF
812856Message 'Document is obsolete' in the RFFMRP03 report
554155Double record with original amount type '0100'
701936Incompl reversl of fisc year change w/ recnstrctn or deletn
210398Commitments in FM (FMIOI) are not rebuilt correctly
452259Improvement of rebuilt FM programs
603292Improvement of Funds Management reconciliation programs
455087Correction report for incomplete earmarked funds
443060Incorrect rebuilt of FM commitments
386899Duplicated FMIOI records after creation w/ RFFMRP03