SAP Program RFFMRC03 - FM Totals - FI Totals Comparison

Account Matching of the FM Totals Against FI

This program checks on a totals record level if the selected FIdocuments (selection criteria: company code, fiscal year or generalledger account) were updated to Funds Management.

You should ensure that no postings take place during the program run,as errors could be displayed where none has occurred.

The system generates a list of G/L accounts in local currency. If thecompany code and FM area local currencies do not match, the systemgenerates a list of G/L accounts using transaction currencies insteadof local currency.
Each G/L account list includes the fiscal year, account number,currency (local or transaction), number of periods for the year, G/Lamount, payment budget amount, commitment budget amount, and total forthe fiscal year (sum of the periods). Errors between the G/L andbudgeted amounts are detected at the fiscal year level and not theperiod level for any given G/L account. G/L accounts in error have theTotal row highlighted in red. If there no payment or commitmentbudget was found for a particular G/L account, the relevant columnsdisplay "No entry". A G/L account that has "No entry" in Payment budgetand "No entry" in Commitment budget is an error and will have the Totalrow highlighted in red.
If the company code and FM area local currencies do not match, G/Laccounts will be displayed in all transaction currencies that wereused. However, G/L accounts with "Only balances in local currency"checked in their master data are not reconcilable and will be displayedat the beginning of the report under the heading: ERROR: Unable toreconcile account(s) for the following reason(s) - Only balances inlocal currency.
Furthermore, if the report is unable to locate the master data for aG/L account, the account will be displayed at the beginning of thereport under the heading: ERROR: Unable to reconcile account(s) for thefollowing reason(s) - No G/L master data.

To improve performance, you should only display errors.