SAP Program RFFMPLAN_CUR - Revalue Financial Budget

You can use this program to translated data posted in a differenttransaction currency into the FM area currency.

You must specify the FM area, version, and the year of the financialbudget requiring revaluation. bewertenden Finanzplans.
You must also enter an exchange rate type for which exchange rates arestored in table TCURR. As exchange rate type "P" is entered when thefinancial budget is entered, the system now defaults it. As in thefinancial budgeting transaction, the first day of the period is takenas the key day for the translation of a period value.

A scaling factor of other than 100 increases or decreases the amountstranslated, thereby giving a rough simulation of higher/lower exchangerates.
You can restrict the selection to particular commitment items andtransaction currencies.

Short log, showing the number of entries changed

If you want to check how your financial budget changes (with euros asthe FM area currency) if the US dollar rate changes so that you get ormust pay 10% more euros per dollar, run the program with exchange ratetype P and scaling of 110% for the US dollar only.
Run the program again with scaling of 100% to get the old values back.
If you want to test the effect of complex exchange rate scenarios,create your own exchange rate type and maintain appropriate values intable TCURR.