SAP Program RFFMMDACT - Activate Year-Dependent Master Data

Activate year-dependent master data

You use the program RFFMMDACT to execute the activation of masterdata maintenance to year dependency for an FM area.
You can decide here if only funds centers or only commitment items orboth master data categories are to be activated.
Note that you can no longer cancel year-dependence once it has beenactivated.

If a master data category is activated, then the year-dependentassignment of Controlling objects to master data is simultaneouslyactivated.


  • You are not working with overall values in budgeting.

  • You are not working with an overall budget structure plan.

  • The budget structure (BS) is not created with commitment itme groups.

  • You are working with a year-dependent BS and have
  • created a year-dependent BS for follow-on years with budget.

    If you have previously worked with non-year-dependent master data, thena number of checks take place when you execute the program, as to theextent to which you current master data maintenance fulfils theprerequisites for a conversion to year-dependent master datamaintenance.
    The program is divided into three sequential processes:

    • Check on budgeting and the budget structure (BS) for year dependency.

    • Check and activation of fund centers for year dependency.

    • Check and activation of commitment items for year dependency.

    • You can get information about the currrent status of your master data bystarting the step Display activation status ofyear-dependent master data, in the Funds Management IMG.

      After checking, the program gives you a list display, in which the stepsto be carried out are logged or you get information on functions thatyou are not allowed to use in conjunction with a year-dependentmaintenance.

      You start the program in the Funds Management Customizing viaMaster data -> Year-dependent master data -> Activate year-dependent master data.
      Enter the FM area and year before the master data activation, which isto be applied for the check and the transfer.
      Example: If you want to work year-dependently from the fiscalyear 2005, then enter the year 2004.
      Select the year-dependent activation for funds centers or commitmentitems and choose Program -> Execute.
      The maintenance settings for budgeting and the BS are checked. Theprogram is interrupted with a specific message as soon as a criterionexcludes itself from a year-dependent maintenance (see Prerequisites
      If the program is cancelled due to an error message, then you executechanges suggested in the messsage in your master data maintenance andrestart the check on the budgeting and the BS.
      You repeat points 4. and 5. until all budgeting and BS checks arecomplete.
      Additional procedures for funds centers:
      Using the function "Activate" you start the year-dependent fundscenter maintenance.
      If you get a list of fiscal years with budget, then you use the function"Activate" to simultaneously execute an assignment of thehierarchy variant for the year '0000'.
      Note that the entries for these years are no longer changeable.
      Additional procedures for commitment items:
      You use the function "Activate" to start activation of year-dependent commitmetn item maintenance.
      The program first determines all fiscal years in which commitment itemshave to be created. The commitment items are copied into the fiscalyears determined as the programs RFFMMDBI81 andRFFMMDBI85 are called up.
      The program issues a list of fiscal years.
      If copying was successfully executed, the program delivers a list offiscal years in which commitment items were created. The year-dependency is activated.
      In case of error, you get an error message and a list with the fiscalyears in which commitment items still have to be created. The year-dependency is not activated.
      Copy the commitment into the fiscal years listed by restarting programRFFMMDACT or manually with programs RFFMMDBI81 andRFFMMDBI85.
      If you have copied the commitment items manually, you have to executethe program RFFMMDACT again and start the year-dependentcommitment item maintenance with the function "Activate".