SAP Program RFFMKU_MIGRATE_TOTALS - Migration of Totals from Former Budgeting to BCS

This program migrates budget totals from Former Budgeting to the BudgetControl System. In this way, you have data from previous years (beforeBCS activation) available in BCS:

  • for reporting purposes (for example, for comparing the current year's
  • data with a previous year's data)
    • for budget preparation purposes (for example, to migrate the data of the
    • current year and use it as a planning basis for the following year inBCS).
      In order to migrate your budget totals, you must enter specificselection criteria. Migration on the totals level means that:
      • Budget entry documents and funds center hierarchy data from Former
      • Budgeting are not migrated.
        • Only change documents are created for the new funds in BCS and written
        • to the line item table FMBDP.

          To be able to run the migration program, first carry out the followingIMG activities for BCS:

          • Activate BCS for your FM area and specify the starting year in
          • Activate Global Functions for Budget ControlSystem (BCS)
            • Activate account assignment elements for the Budget Control System in
            • Activate Account Assignment Elements inBCS
              • Create the necessary number ranges for change documents in
              • Maintain Number Range Interval for BudgetChange Documents
                • Activate a budget category for your FM area in
                • Choose Budget Category
                  • Create the BCS version to which you want to migrate your data in
                  • Edit Versions
                    • Define a budgeting status in Edit Status

                    • .
                      Note: It is not necessary to create the status settings. In thiscase, apart from the migration process, no change of budget data ispossible.
                      • Finally, assign this status to the version to which you want to migrate
                      • your data in Assign Status to a Version
                        If you want to derive different budget types in BCS, you should firstcarry out the IMG activity Define DerivationStrategy for Line Items.

                        Run the migration program for each FM area and budget version that youwant to migrate to BCS.
                        During the totals migration run, all Former Budgeting budget data of thetotals tables (BPGE, BPJA and BPPE) matching the selection criteria isread and assigned or "mapped" to be copied to the BCS budgeting tables(FMBDP and FMBDT).

                        You can run the migration for a selection of funds:

                        • Overall funds (that is, the funds for which availability control checks
                        • the overall amount) will be migrated if you choose Overall Values
                          • Annual funds (that is, the funds for which availability control checks
                          • the annual amount) will be migrated if you choose Annual Values.
                            For performance reasons, SAP recommends that you not migrate all yourfunds simultaneously. It is preferable to carry out several migrationruns in parallel, using different selections of funds.
                            Source and Target Settings
                            The data from the source version (Former Budgeting) can be migrated tothe target version (BCS), for:
                            • Overall values: all fiscal years before BCS starts will be read and
                            • migrated to a default fiscal year in BCS
                              • Annual values: selected fiscal years before BCS starts will be read and
                              • migrated to the same fiscal year in BCS.
                                Assignment Rules
                                • Assignment to a period: annual amount or overall amount can
                                • either be assigned to one default period (recommended) or distributedover all periods according to a distribution key. Period amounts areassigned to the same periods in BCS.
                                  • Assignment to a process: the mapping rule derives the process
                                  • Enter for the original budget from the Former Budgeting budgettype KBUD. This rule can be overwritten if you want to use the processPreparation instead. For further information, see:
                                    Display Assignment Rules for Budgeting Process

                                    Display Assignment Rules for Value Type
                                    You can aggregate all data as the original budget by selectingthe radio button Aggregation as Original, or carry out a moredetailed migration on the process level by selecting the radiobutton Detailed Migration.
                                    • Assignment to a budget type

                                    • , for which you can specify the following:
                                      a default budget type for budget data
                                      a default budget type for release data
                                      If you specify budget types, the value(s) will be used for all migrateddata. If you do not specify a budget type, you should define this inDefine Derivation Strategy for Migration.
                                      • Assignment to FM account assignments - For budget documents, you can
                                      • specify the following:
                                        a default grant and funded program as they are new FMAAs in BCS
                                        a default functional area if this FMAA was not activated in FormerBudgeting
                                        a default fund replacing fund "BLANK", if you need this FMAA to bemandatory in BCS
                                        Processing Options
                                        The Grouping settings allow you to specify the FM account assignmentelement combinations to be grouped in one change document (line itemstable FMBDP). A new change document is created for each new fund. In theGrouping settings, you can extend the grouping to one of the other FMaccount assignment elements (for example, you can checkmark the fundscenter, in order to have a new document for each new combination of fundand funds center).
                                        In order to avoid overflow in the change document number range (lineitem table FMBDP), you can only checkmark one account assignment elementin addition to the fund.
                                        You can run the program either as a test run or as an update run.Background processing is also possible.

                                        The program generates a detailed list with the results of the programrun if this option was chosen. This list contains the followinginformation on the migrated BCS budget data:

                                        • FM account assignment element

                                        • BCS value type

                                        • Budget category

                                        • Budgeting process

                                        • Budget type

                                        • Total amount of the budget

                                        • If errors occur, an application log is generated and displayed. Forfurther information, see the Application Help topics on Migration toBCS.