SAP Program RFFMKG02 - Delete standing requests

Delete standing requests

This program deletes standing requests. You can use this function for

  • standing requests that are fully processed

  • standing requests that no longer have an object

  • parked standing requests from which no posting documents have yet been
  • generated.
    • posted standing requests from which no posting documents have yet been
    • generated.

      In the original document of the standing request, the deletion indicatormust be set and the standing request must be posted. (Exception: when noposting documents have been generated from the standing request, aparked standing request can also be deleted with the deletionindicator). The deletion indicator specifies that the standing requestwas earmarked for deletion. It can be either set automatically ormanually in the standing request original document:
      If the period specified in the original document of the standing requesthas run out and requests were already generated, the programautomatically fills in the the deletion indicator in the originaldocument of the standing request with the last execution of the standingrequest.
      If the reason for the standing request no longer applies, and youtherefore want to delete it earlier, you can set the deletion indicatormanually in the original document of the standing request.
      You set the deletion indicator by choosing Goto -> Standing RequestData in the change mode of the standing request.

      If you start the program in the update run, in other words withoutselecting Test Run, the program deletes all standing requestswith the deletion indicator from the database. The posting documents(payment or acceptance requests) already generated from the originaldocument of the standing request are not deleted by the program.