SAP Program RFFMHIE_GENERATE - Generate Hierarchical Budget Structure

Generation of a hierarchical budget structure in the Budget ControlSystem.


  • You have created a hierarchical budget structure in the IMG activity
  • Create Budget Structure.
    • You have assigned the roles within the hierarchical budget structure of
    • each active FM account assignment elements. The roles are assigned perFM area and hierarchical budget structure. Use the view V_FMHIESETTINGSvia transaction se54.
      • You have created hierarchy IDs for the FM area, fiscal year, budget
      • structure and budget category (this requirement is optional, because youcan create hierarchy IDs directly in this transaction) via thetransaction FMHIE_HIEID. Note that you do notneed to create a hierarchy ID if no FM account assignment element hasthe constant role for the given FM area and budget structure.

        When you run this program, a hierarchy between budget addresses isautomatically generated according to the selection options. Thegeneration is based on the following rules:

        • The hierarchy is made up only of hierarchical FM account assignment
        • elements.
          • You can use the hierarchy variant for the generation of commitment items
          • and funds centers.
            • The sequence defines which element must be changed from one node to
            • another of the hierarchy during the generation (see example).
              • Only one hierarchical element changes from one node to another.

              • The hierarchy is created for a hierarchy ID, FM area, budget categoryand budget structure. If the hierarchy ID does not exist yet, the usercan still create it in this transaction. Different parts of hierarchyfor the same hierarchy ID can be generated by different users atdifferent times, if they do not overlap.
                You do not need to create a hierarchy ID if no FM account assignmentelement has the "constant role" for the given FM area and budgetstructure.
                During the generation of a hierarchy, the complete hierarchy is blockedfor all other users.


                • Enter the FM area and a hierarchical budget structure to work with (so
                • that the hierarchical FM account assignments elements are known, thisinformation is needed for the dynamical building of the selectionscreen).
                  • Enter the fiscal year, the budget category and hierarchy ID.

                  • Restriction on hierarchical FM account elements: you can choose
                  • if you want to select a flat list or a hierarchy variant (only for thecommitment item and the funds center). If you choose a hierarchyvariant, you can further restrict the selection by entering the accessobjects to the hierarchy variant with a list and the number of stepsbelow the access objects. Note that, if two or more selected branches(combination of an access object and the number of steps) are on samebranch of the hierarchy variant, the branch of the hierarchy variantcontaining all the selected branches without gaps is selected forgeneration.
                    • Sequence: you define the sequence of the hierarchical elements
                    • for generation (see example).

                      The generated hierarchy is displayed by means of a SAP List Viewer tree.You have the following functions:

                      • Expand the hierarchy below the selected node

                      • Collapse the hierarchy below the selected node

                      • Find a node

                      • Print the hierarchy

                      • Select a layout

                      • Note that following checks are carried out during generation:
                        • The node must exist only once in the selected hierarchy

                        • The node must exist only once in the complete hierarchy for the given
                        • hierarchy ID
                          Click on the Save button in order to save the hierarchy.

                          Generation using the hierarchy variant for funds center and forcommitment item (only these two FM account assignment elements arehierarchical):
                          Hierarchy variant of funds center:
                          FC1 -> FC2
                          -> FC3
                          Hierarchy variant of commitment item:
                          CI1-> CI2
                          -> CI3
                          Generation of a hierarchy with sequence "1. funds center" and"2.commitment item":
                          The generation starts from the possible top nodes which are created asthe combination of the top nodes of the hierarchy variants, in our case:
                          Now the program opens the folder for the funds center (first in thesequence) following the hierarchy variant for the funds center andkeeping constant the commitment item:
                          FC1/CI1 -> FC2/CI1
                          -> FC3/CI1
                          Now the program opens for each node the folder for the commitment item(second in the sequence) following the hierarchy variant for thecommitment item and keeping constant the funds center.
                          FC1/CI1 -> FC1/CI2
                          -> FC1/CI3
                          -> FC2/CI1 -> FC2/CI2
                          -> FC2/CI3
                          -> FC3/CI1-> FC3/CI2
                          -> FC3/CI3
                          Generation of a hierarchy with sequence "1. commitment item" and"2.funds center":
                          Again, the generation starts from the possible top nodes, in thiscase:
                          Now the program opens the folder for the commitment item (first in thesequence) following the hierarchy variant for the commitment item andkeeping constant the funds center:
                          FC1/CI1 -> FC1/CI2
                          -> FC1/CI3
                          Now the program opens for each node the folder for the funds center(second in the sequence) following the hierarchy variant for the fundscenter and keeping constant the commitment item:
                          FC1/CI1 -> FC2/CI1
                          -> FC3/CI1
                          -> FC1/CI2 -> FC2/CI2
                          -> FC3/CI2
                          -> FC1/CI3-> FC2/CI3
                          -> FC3/CI3